Bring back a knockback PvP talent for CJL

I understand the refund for roll and chi torpedo being OP. I’m totally fine with taking that away. But, please, give us a PvP talent just for the knockback effect on CJL. Take away mighty ox kick if you want …

You took away something really, really fun …


And how would that work with the talent that boosts CJL damage and number of targets?

Either it knockbacks only the primary target, or CJL can only be used on one target with the PvP talent, but has a knockback effect. Maybe the PvP talent also nerfs the damage, just give us the knockback :slight_smile:

Too many people complaining about it and while it was KIND of balanced if you had two MWR you could knock people with zero punishment and easily dominate

What about two shamans or two mages?

It’s not like MWers had the only knock.

I think the main issue was with the torpedo refund. You said it yourself, it was KIND of balanced, and people complaining isn’t a good reason to nerf something.


Classic blizzard unfortunately

They were adamant on the removal of blades edge arena because it heavily favored classes that could utilize Z axis (i.e. ports and knocks). I imagine the same approach is being taken here. The roll was completely busted so killing 2 birds with one stone.

Nah, flush the rerollers away plz.

The new CJL is nice, but it’s not nearly as fun as the knockback :frowning:

I would take the knockback CJL over the new one just for the fun factor, even if the new one is better in more scenarios. That’s why I’m asking for the option of a PvP talent that gives me back the old CJL.

In Blitz, the knock wasn’t worse than a druid cyclone capping, or many other classes that can knock/CC cap, etc…

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They added damage to Zen Spheres, can someone check if this interrupts caps?

This was a horrible change. It really gave mw something to keep someone off them other than ring. Now… same old crap.

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