Bring all the changes to Classic+

Since blizzard pretty much confirmed classic +, in order to get people excited bring all the changes people want to classic from class balancing to new fresh content give us everything.


Yeah Classic should have a lot of changes made to it. It will just make it a better game.

The first time around it was as no changes as it could’ve been, but the game obviously needs changes made to it to be the best version of itself.

“I want classic but change everything so it’s not classic anymore”



Exactly that, i want classic +. We’ve been thru OG classic recently none has the nostalgia glasses anymore we need a fresh exciting experience. OG classic is going no where you can farm naxx till the end of times.


not if blizzard adds more rng to bosses mechanics. like making a boss’ phase 2/3/inter-phase within a time range or hp spectrum based on rng.

for example phase 1 of kel thuzad within a 1:30 mins and 3:30 mins spectrum of time and phase 3 of within a 30% to 70% hp range that’s arbitrary to that particular fight. instead of a fixated thing.

or sapphiron’s earth phase within 40 secs to 70 seconds spectrum before air phase and 3 to 6 ice blocks during air phase based on rng.

same with every boss. because once you know the times, phases and mechanics bosses aren’t challenging anymore unless you drop some rng into the core mechanics.

that will keep players busy with endgame content any week.

This is really the only decent argument for changes. There already exists Classic, which was quite committed to authenticity.

With that said, change for the sake of change is not a good policy. Also, TBCC is a great example that changes made to try to appease the Retail player is a recipe for disaster. What Blizz should do is stick to the ideals and design philosophy of Vanilla and just make changes based off that.

There’s certain glaring issues that have universal desire to be changed. For example…world buffs. This isn’t something the Vanilla devs thought the game would revolve around with a meta completely absorbed by those buffs. They could just disable them in raids. Simple solution. Another example would be mage boosting. Make it so if you’re grouped with someone x amount of levels above you you get next to no exp. Again, simple fix that doesn’t impact mages’ inherent niche strengths of the class.

Stuff like that is how they should approach changes. Not…‘Well, in Retail I can do x, y, z…so we should add that to Vanilla!’ I don’t want to see mass homogenization, or a greater abandonment of social interactions and the importance of the community. Those things are what Vanilla were about. If anything, Classic+ should rely more on those principles.

It’s not changes for the sake of changes. It’s changes for the sake of making people excited and come back to this era. How much more excited would you be knowing you can play an enhancement shaman or a ret paladin in a raid? or that bosses won’t be 30sec fight loot pinatas or that there is a tier set appropriate for your specialization.

Agreed, but which changes? That’s the question and what Blizzard really needs to be careful with and get right. Changes could be everything from disabling world buffs in raids/increased difficulty of raids/cracking down on bots (good changes imo) to adding the WoW token/boosts/LFR/dungeon finder (all bad changes imo). I’m worried they will do the latter and turn classic into modern WoW which defeats the entire purpose of classic.

I’m not against that, but it’s a very careful balancing act. Like I said…mass homogenization is a bad thing. They sucked the rpg out of the game in the name of ‘balance’ the first time around. It’s fine to make ‘specs’ more viable in a raid setting. But that shouldn’t be the paramount design. And it shouldn’t be done to the ridiculous extent where every spec has to be equal to every other spec. The kind of ‘bring the player, not the class’ crappy design. No, bring the class. Because that’s how an rpg should work. Classes should have strengths and weaknesses, and fulfill niches.

But utility or buffs or debuffs could be added to certain talent trees to make them more viable. Just proper itemization in a tier set would go a long way. But obsessing over min/maxing dps and parses…that’s not Vanilla. Leave that crap in Retail. An enhancement shaman doesn’t need to do the same dps as a rogue, for example. It just needs to serve a purpose and fulfil a need.