Brewmaster is very underwhelming

I know, beta numbers and all that, but DAMN are they bad.

Stagger, if I am lucky, pull everything and have a healer that can keep me up without me using any defenses, I might hit 30%+ in dungeons.

And that just flows into everything, my Gai Plin self heals are low because my stagger is low, my incoming damage is high because stagger is not dealing with any of it, my purifying brew purifies nothing because there is nothing to purify.

The bonus is that all those passive stagger reductions are keeping stagger to basically nothing because there is nothing there to begin with. But all the means is that our main form of defense is non-existent.

I like the idea, Master of Harmony and Mantra of Purity look good on paper, but right now BrM is so crap compared to other tank specs.

Stagger is tied to your agility levels. The testing gear is dramatically lower iLevel that you would have naturally at the levels anyone is testing at.

Testing with 437 gear when TWW prepatch gear looks like it will be in the 550s is going to have a pretty large drop in main stat for anyone. For Brews, that means stagger would be in the toilet.

Throw in any additional levels you have attained (which further decreases stagger relative to agility) and this is no surprise.

Tested with an 80 template, the basic greens they give you does have about a 36% stagger in combat. Upgrading to the champ gear you can just buy (not full set, but most), ups it to 41% stagger in combat.

Assuming a full set will net you close to 45% in combat for a basic full champ set, they may be setting the value a bit lower, expecting it to scale over the course of the expansion.

You are right though, as it does leave alot of talents based around your stagger feeling less impactful.

600+ iLVL on the instance server, scaled down to whatever it does for heroic, and I would be lucky to break 30% stagger. And that’s with like 40K agility.

It’s REALLY bad.

Yea, the scaling down is likely the culprit, but the numbers seen accurate.

Only assumption I can provide is that they expect it to be lower so that it scales over the expansion, especially if they make the same kind of large iLevel jumps they made with DF. It does seem pretty low as a start however, as stagger in live feels like basically double that value.

One of my brewmasters on live has 53.11% base stagger on live.
I copied that character to the test server, and on it he has 30.97% base stagger.

So yes, stagger values are much much lower than they should be.

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That is a much better test. I looked through notes and they didn’t mention a reduction in stagger scaling so that seems like a bug. Report it.

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Check the Armor values of Live vs Beta… More than double the DR for me (25% live vs 53% beta)

But yeah, stagger is broken. I had the Tank dummy at 212 stacks and Still couldn’t get red stagger.

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Now compare tank for tank likeness, brew is like garbage compared to other tanks.

Someone made a note to go to the Rookery, there are four packs of enemies at the start, they tested 5 tanks (not DH) and where able to clear the whole four packs of enemies in one pull on four of the tanks, DK just face tanked it all, warrior, guardian and paladin took some clever moves, but brew just fell over dead.

Even in dungeons I felt tanky as brew in a group, but that was with a healer. When I went back and tested on blood it was night and day. I know it’s just beta and tuning will be a thing, but damn.

I noticed that same change when I copied my character over but on the max lvl realms at 609 ilvl I have 21% DR from armor value. Windwalker has 18% with the same gear equipped. So a combination on extremely low stagger with only 3% more DR than a dps spec feels rough.

The biggest issue is brews entire kit flows through purifying stagger… But my stagger level never reaches yellow or red in my testing. So if I can’t purify heavy levels of stagger my celestial brew becomes significantly weaker thus making brews entire defensive kit almost useless besides fort brew.

Our healing doesn’t seem to add up too. On live expel harm with 4-5 orbs will heal me to almost full hp but on the testing realm it heals around 15% - 20%?

But at the end of the day it is a beta test and nothing as of now is tuned correctly so I have high hopes that they fix this issue by launch.

I just hope they fix Shadowpan sooner than later so I can actually test it because it actually doesn’t work right now.

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Brewmasters are still waiting for the stagger buffs they were supposed to receive in the 10.2.7 patch. The nerfs rolled in, but not the buffs.


Stagger scaling is heavily off, 613 ilvl i was at 39% stagger with shuffle (non instanced, just on dummies) this is full normal raid gear, in DF season 1 full normal raid gear we were well over 60% in shuffle. Tank mitigation scaling is all completely off rn, boneshield, spikes, iron fur, stagger, wog self heals, gift of the ox, ignore pain etc etc.

With double agi trinkets we sit at 43% in shufflle. This is still about 18-20% off the mark atm.

For example on the scaling issue, wog crit with low hp + wings was 2.2 mill crit of a 5 mill + hp pool, on live and for quite awhile wog heals you from full on crits. Gift of the ox highest crit 930k while on live my highest is 860k, again more than double the hp pool for a similar heal. Celestial Brew max shield on live goes over 1.5 mill (about 70% of our hp or so) war within we max out at around 2.1 mill (which is like 30% of our hp pool)

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Brew is considerably squishier than the other tank specs on beta and their self healing has been nerfed hard. I think brew self healing was hit with the healer spec nerfs. Expel Harm is hitting for like 150K hp with a 7.5 million health pool. Word of Glory is also healing for almost nothing. Tank self healing needs a big balance pass.

I think they just weren’t scaled properly, mitigation and self healing in general was not scaled well. even for healers, for example holy shock is not even a 10th or 5th of someones hp

I’ll say it pretty much any chance i get but stagger scaling with agility breaks brewmasters every gear reset. Stagger should be a flat % and purify scould scale with agility.

I think the lower scaling is intended for healers to slow down healing even though Blizz hasn’t commented on it. It’s like when they raised hp and damage by 40%. Brew and prot paladins need to be exempt from that nerf. I main healer, but I’m pretty sure they had this exact same problem with brew and prot during DF and fixed it.

I don’t think they’d leave out a massive gameplay shift like that, especially when it’s not fully consistent across all the healer spells. All of the giant hp pool/self heal changes were posted in DF beta even one at the end of testing. Also making stagger not scale does the opposite of what they’d want then because I’d need way more healing to live than I do now because I mitigate nothing

If it is intended then it feels horrible. Playing Brew on beta at the moment feels like your just a thin piece of glass where as all 5 other tanks are a MAC 10 Truck driving though that thin piece of glass.

Honestly Brew needs rework it is still designed for MoP Wod and Legion era tanking. I’ve mained this class since then and its a shell of its former self.

Currently your Orbs heal for what feels like DF levels and this is testing in almost max gear from the 80 vendors.

CB feels weak as well almost like it isnt scaled to 80 either.

I don’t think it’s intended for Brew, just for healers. Making heals weaker is the only way they can reduce spike damage and one shots. Brew and Prot Paladin get caught up in healer nerfs because of how they self heal. I would expect Blizz to buff self healing for those tanks without buffing healing for healers. If not then Brew is DOA.

lets hope haha. Definitely want this infront of devs eyes as 26th Aug is not far away for the go live date