Brewmaster is RIGHT where it should be!

…according to the datamined patch notes about tank changes…

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I don’t play brewmaster but as a healer, it’s by far my favorite tank. I want to see more brews. I want it. Buffed

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I wouldn’t say no to a BrM buff but mine feels great in keys.

Question for you masters of the brew, I have in the past for several expansions mained a WW monk. However, I’m a casual, somewhat solo player and a few expansions ago I decided to try tanking. I have been maining a paladin since then and I enjoy the indestructibility but find them to be a little boring to play. I have just this week made my monk a BM and have leveled him and done a couple of delves. So far he seems a little more squishy than my paladin. I’ve been using purifying brew, celestial brew, and expel harm in my rotation. I also use my instant cast vivify whenever I need extra healing. What’s the trick? Or is this just the play style and I need to get used to it? Overall I do find the BM more interesting than the paladin, there’s more to press, more to manage. I do use fortifying brew when there’s big damage coming. Also, I don’t have these talents - Staggering strikes, August Blessing, Quick Sip, or Zen Meditation (description on this one sounds terrible). Is there a talent in there that is a must-have for tanking? I’ll mainly be doing delves and time walking dungeons when they’re a part of the weekly. I don’t care for the current dungeons so I really don’t do heroics and I’ve never cared for mythics, I don’t have time to go looking for a group. I wish the game would do that for you.

Thanks community for sharing your knowledge!

Update: I figured out where I was lacking. I got a weak aura for my stagger so I could more efficiently use purifying brew and celestial brew. Made a big difference. BM is definitely more interesting than my prot pally.

brew scales very well with gear, and also with damage taken. Lower keys and easier content is actually harder for brewmaster because you just don’t take enough damage to purify, which means you lose out on a lot of mastery, haste, healing, and damage.


Yup! This right here. If you aren’t getting into red stagger regularly it’s actually so much more work, which is weird because in lower content where it should feel easier it actually feels notably harder than other tank specs in a similar content/key level.

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I would beg to differ. I play prot pally in 14 and brew in 14 and prot pally by far is so much smoother and defensively stronger.

In necrotic wake I can never do the giant pull as brew I just die

too much magic damage in NW to do insane pulls with brew. once you go up top to stitch flesh though you can start going ham