Brewmaster in need of tuning

There’s brewmasters doing 14’s. Again the spec can be effective enough but it really needs a redesign of some sort to be more approachable for more players

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i mean im doing 14s as brewmaster, this isn’t an indicator of anything balance wise. Brew is numerically worse than every tank, that is an issue regardless of if you can do the content or not. also we have been asking for a rework since DF tbh


Tbh I like stagger, imo mastery should be revolve around that. But I feel like our brews need better cdr and dr to compete.

I really enjoyed df tier where fire breath caused shadowflame damage and healed you. Seems like that would have been amazing to rework as a talent.
I know that combined with fyrakks tank trinket, I was pretty unstoppable on my brm in df.


14 is their highest, but the highest brewmaster is still 1 key below all other tanks, and almost 3 keys behind the best tank right now (once some VDH group gets a 17 DFC they will time it)

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I -can- drive a car by steering with my feet and using my hands on the pedals. Doesn’t mean that’s a good way to do it.

Would changing its haste to i dunno make it easier for us to dodge help since blizzard loves to give us haste

Friendly reminder that through brann hunters have received more tank tuning then brew this tier.


:joy: I was looking at Murlok io to see what Brews use and you’re on the front page.

2nd best Brew in the US and 5th across US/EU.

Was like ‘hold up this avatar looks familiar’.

People if someone at this level is saying Brew needs help. PLEASE BUFF IT.

We know what’s coming to the other monk specs after RWF so maybe just buff Brew to the mountains when you hit them.


Brew used to be the highest damage tank. It at least had a theme. Now it is the lowest, with the highest damage intake, and the weakest utility for M+. IMO this was true in season 1 however at least in season 1 it had a place in raid.

And now that it has no place in raid, I guess blizzard decided to go for a Marksmanship hunter rework? I’ll never understand the data which they drive their roadmap on.

At this point I would be surprised to even see a Brewmaster nerf, not because that would be bonkers but because I haven’t seen the word “Brewmaster” in Blizzards balance tuning in any form or fashion in ages.


Ikr? Tank Brann is the new hotness. Sorry BrM. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Please Equinox, make blizzard listen. Tired of not getting picked up for the sole fact that I play Brew.


im trying, I post as much as I can


Imo, make haste a better stat, make keg smash’s radius bigger so it hits a full back would be great.

This variance is huge and annoying.


If a tank doesn’t feel like VDH right now it needs buffed imo. Bring them all up, even if some go past VDH, who cares?


I think brew masters mastery needs changing, it should do 2 things, increase effectiveness of stagger. And reduce purifying brew CD depending on how many targets are there

Brewmaster is an OP tank so i doubt it needs any buffs. Maybe some tuning towards nerfs but that is probably not necessary since it is great where it is.

Haste reducing blackout kick and changing mastery to blackout combo and change the combos of purify/celestial brew to be something much more impactful would be wonderful tbh


Whats Brew Master? Monks only have 2 specs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

All kidding aside they need a lot more than tuning, they need a rework on the order that Ret Paladins got.


I would love if Zen Med was changed into an AMZ like effect, like Chen’s talent to turn his channeled Chug Keg into a shield for his group while they stand in it.

I would love to see Keg Smash have talents to enhance it so kegs bounce or roll to other mobs in a pull, kind of like Throw Glaive bounces for DH. Or just make Keg Smash radius larger. Having to use SCK to group sucks, I’d rather spend energy on Keg Smash and TP. Maybe make RJW replace SCK for brewmasters. Idk.

Here’s to hoping brew gets some buffs within the coming weeks.

Would be nice but I doubt they’d put that much effort into a tank spec

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