According to history… no…
I don’t see this on the site, wouldn’t be impossible and a great option if you just cant deal with the bloat but are a good player maybe?
According to history… no…
I don’t see this on the site, wouldn’t be impossible and a great option if you just cant deal with the bloat but are a good player maybe?
If the thread said tune Brann they’d see it.
That is not the design intention, and even if it were the case it is definitely nowhere near enough to be equal to LoH or even worth it’s 3m CD. It’s an incredibly weak CD that equates to, if he lives for the entire duration, something around ~14% DR on a 3m CD. It’s terrible.
i genuinely urge you to play brew and understand that niuzao is a bad defensive. It only stops stagger from being applied to you which in many cases reduces your healing in packs so it has negatives to it as well. Saying it stops a full lifebars worth a damage sounds nice on paper but just isnt good in practical instances where brew is taking so many lifebars worth of dam
it also can just take damage from non stagger sources so its not even a full hp bar a lot of times
Doesn’t seem like it.
Seems silly squabbling over ignoring a full hp bar of stagger every 3min when I can purify like 4-5 times in a row with black ox brew anyway.
Say, do any of you big brewers have the tome of lights devotion? I got a 658 in vault and unsure if I should take it.
its good if youre low on crit or want ST damage
Something I’d like to see, though maybe be asking a bit much in Blizzard’s eyes, is for Keg Smash to do increased damage to your target to increase priority/single target damage, similar to Survival’s Wildfire Bombs. Doesn’t need to be the 80% they get, but something. KS needs a flat damage increase overall as well, though, especially if SCK is going to remain such a wet noodle ability for Brewmaster.
Its very strong in raid or bosses in M+ where you can sit in Radiance the entire time.
Less strong in M+ trash where 2+ enemies attack at once and force you into Resilience before the CD comes up.
It does about 4% overall for me in M+, with about 8.5% of my dps on bosses.
You’d probably get more value running something like House of Cards or Signet of the Priory (if you run MoH w/o Chi Surge)
Ah, I mostly do casual m+ these days. I have seaforium, bomb suit, noggenfogger and mechanic ore. I kinda like bombsuit as a defensive CD right now; I wish we had access to an absorb that only takes a % of dmg it seems so much better than instantly evaporating.
I probably won’t be getting house of cards.
Maybe I’ll just take tier helm (649) and equip 2set.
Anyway,sorry for straying from the topic. Just curious
I think the Core Recycling Unit is a pretty decent casual trinket.
Passive agi, hero track, and upgraded to 665 and it will heal for 3.9m every 1.5m and interacts with celestial fortune. Its basically a health pot on a stick.
Obviously there’s differences, my point was that that they represent a similar amount of “healing”. He might not be as strong as yall want him to be, but the button is not “useless” as stated in the OP.
Talents are a separate issue.
Do you have a source for this? If it’s not the design intention, then by all means buff Niuzao’s HP 100x or make him immune to damage. Personally I don’t want him being a mandatory talent.
I believe this but do you have data on how much? Ultimately it should be considered a bug if he’s taking significant damage from something besides stagger.
What do you mean by this?
Well in a vacuum if you’re picking between black ox brew and niuzao you pick black ox brew, but in reality there is no reason to directly compare them.
The whole tree likely needs overhauling. Niz being meh is just another thing.
I could be wrong, so confirm with equinox; I’m guessing if Niz diverts dmg to himself, bypassing you, it might slow down healy orb generation?
That or makes your Gai Plin weaker (heal for 25% of your purified stagger)
Now that I think about it, it’s probably the latter. If Niz is taking part of your stagger pool away but not reducing other incoming dmg then things that scale on your stagger pool get weaker, I suppose?
Meanwhile other cds reduce total incoming dmg or increase your hp/stagger total.
Why can’t you? I’m currently using black ox brew because for 1 talent it’s amazing. I’m not currently taking Niz which is also 1 talent. If Niz was super strong I could shift a point from elsewhere.
"Summons an effigy of Niuzao, the Black Ox for 25 sec. Niuzao attacks your primary target, and frequently Stomps, damaging all nearby enemies
While active, 40% of damage delayed by Stagger is instead Staggered by Niuzao."
Simply reading the tooltip makes it plainly obvious that there is not intended to be a hard limit on how much he staggers other than 40% of stagger for the 25s duration.
less stagger = less damage taken = less healing (gai plins healing based off stagger, orbs etc are based off damage taken). he does not prevent enough damage for it to ever be worth it over just your natural healing.
peoples issue comes with his design, they can buff this to literally prevent 100% of stagger and you wont like it cause that nukes your self healing. less stagger you take means you also get no purified chi stacks so no big celestial brews. it’s counter intuitive to how brew plays. it just needs a full scale rework
There’s a lot of low hanging fruit that could help brewmaster that blizzard should look at now and they should look at some major changes.
I always find it amusing to see people who play other classes defend the terrible design/state of ours.
Today’s the day.
I’m ready for my buffs, sir!