Brewmaster expel harm question

Hello all

I had a question about expel harm. I have practiced brews rotation on the raiding tanking dummy and the overall flow seems great IE take a big hit purify then heal with expel/orbs.

My question comes to M+tanking. My healers generally keep me topped up (which is great) but I find myself not using my orbs with expel at all unless chaos unleashes 1 or two times a dungeons. Is there any other way I should be using expel/orbs to be helping the healer focus less on me?

Expel harm is up often enough that unless you’re planning a really big pull or a dangerous moment is coming up you should be using it on cd.

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if you don’t need expel harm, then just don’t use it. Orbs autoconsume, which is part of why you are always topped. (the Orb if you have 5 consumes and heals you). Some of the highest keys done (logged) are with only like 7 EH presses.

Don’t blatently use it on CD it leads to a huge amount of overheal. Just when you feel you need it and you are low on health.

They’re also done in coordinated groups where the tank isn’t worrying about the healer. If you’re pugging, it’s better to overheal than expect to get healed and drop over.

your healing remains the same. because the orbs autoconsume when needed (they only spawn when you received dmg, thus you are not at max hp). This in turn means that every point of overheal takes from actual efficient healing.

You also safe a gcd which can be worth quite a bit (for BoK for example, which spawns more orbs etc.). I am not saying don’t use it. I am saying use it when you need it, just like OP does. Using it on CD is definetely wrong, except when you need it on CD, which realistically should never be the case. Most Brewlogs I checked they could reduce the EH usage by quite a bit and they would survive.

for example the 5 top logs on Volcoross have a combined 9 EH uses. two of them account for combined 7 uses. Keep in mind that when you use it at low health it does a bunch of dmg (more than RJW) and high brew logs deliberatly drop low on health to use it for more dmg. For Fyrakk the top 7 logs have 65 EH uses. (top one has 21 uses alone. Lowest usage is tied between Moino and myself for 2 uses each)

In M+ this is true as well. it doesn’t change your behaviour. Top TotT log (Etromonk) has 7 uses over the whole dungeon. rank 8 and 11 (Me :slight_smile: ) has 25 and 32 uses. However I have a bad habbit that I am currently working on. when the pull ends I tend to use EH to quickly get max life and start the next pull. This account for around 50% of my uses. I fear to outrange my orbs and let the healing go to waste, but I should let the orbs on the ground to immediately get the healing rolling in the next pull. My usage was also before I actively tried to trim down EH spam.

This sample of logs shows that you shouldn’t use EH on CD.

Try again, but read it slower. Not to mention, BrM isn’t so tight on it’s rotation that EH is causing delays in BoK and Keg. That’s complete conjecture.