Brewmaster 11.0.5

Does Blizzard even know there’s a specialization called Brewmaster? There’s not even a mention of Brewmaster in the 11.0.5 patch notes, hahaha!


"monks have a third spec? Who knew " -blizzard

I was pretty disappointed at the lack of brew changes. Meanwhile paladins seem like they’re getting another rework.

Brewmaster was a blast though DF, but now it just feels like I have no mitigation with any build in dungeons. I do the same content on my prot warrior who has a slightly lower ilvl and it’s wild how much more time to think I have.

For the tank who’s supposed to have smooth damage intake via stagger and shuffle, brew feels extremely spikey to me.


We are getting better flurry strikes damage and more flurry strikes procs with a flurry strikes tracker being baseline from blizzard.

While this is basically a WW change it applies heavily to brewmaster

What we need is defensive buffs and clestial brew changes


Making it easier to track when the next flurry is nice but the overall change shows poor understanding of the ability in practice.

I think it is a very poor game play decision to expect a player to delay spending energy so they can delay a flurry proc. It’s not like holding a CD for the right time. Stopping energy expenditure effectively stops all activity. For a BrM it is even worse as it can cause them to lose shuffle, threat, and brew CD reduction.

It’s a mad concept from Blizzard.


Agree 100%