Brewfest Spy missing - Cant complete Save Brewfest! quest

See title.
Picked up “Save Brewfest!” quest (

But no matter how I go into BRD (Walk in and to Grim Guzzler, or queue in group finder) the spy is just not there.


Not sure about cata, but brewfest doesn’t start until 10am on retail. You also need to queue for coren direbrew to talk to the spy, which again won’t be active for another hour.

Thought this was 10AM CST? Same time as the daily reset.

Retail events are 10am PST. Again dunno about cata

They need to fix the calendar in retail then. Because all other activities start at 10am CST including resets on my server.

Seasonal events on retail almost always begin at 10am pst, though that discussion is completely irrelevant to the topic since the OP linked a cata classic quest. After checking the cata calendar, brewfest started at 12:01am, so they should be able to queue into coren direbrew to complete the quest.

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And ive done that, but for the quest, you have to talk to the spy who is not in the instance.

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I’m also having this issue and the event is well started by now.

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I am also having the same issue


well, I did that. No response lol. End of the day its just one quest but still a little irritating.

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