Brewfest 2024 is a letdown

Brewfest is my favorite event of the year, (and I don’t even drink!)
I love the cute Dirndls on all the Horde ladies. The events are fun and easy.
And the rewards are all nice.

But I have them all…and there isn’t anything new!
I did Coren and no one got any loot but tickets, found out from a friend the stuff is only 574 stuff. I was hoping it would atleast be heroic quality 580.

The worst thing is that the Line to the bathrooms still NEVER MOVES!!!

No I take that back, the worst thing is I won’t get to see someone special in her brewfest Dirndl. :sob:


I will say that it’s annoying that holiday bosses drop low ilvl items.


One thing Blizzard has never been good at - easy wins to please the player base.

Easy win - Update holidays each year. Doesn’t even have to be a huge update, just build on previous holidays.

Add mounts
Add cosmetics
Add things to do
Items in holiday dungeons = current expac heroic lvls

Why are they so bad at this stuff?


I just want gear that makes sense. If we’re 3 patches into an expac, stop giving me starter gear that’s not usable.


Okay I want Chris, Abby, and Tom you three I want to you to spend this week brain storming easy new things to add to brewfest and we will add them in two weeks when the event starts.

Abby: Omg Not Tom…

That simple we aren’t asking for a complete remake of the holiday!

Maybe a cooking recipe or 2 to make Beer or Brewfest type buff food that helps people catch up or get a headstart on Warwithin Cooking?

1 or 2 new “Toys”

I dont even care if they didnt update the boss fight with new mechanics…but the least they could have done was make sure the loot was useable!
Either 580 Stuff for 80s
or level 70 Stuff to give people a fun edge while leveling.


Come to the Brew Bash and maybe get into some drunken brawls??


I have this on my guild calendar but this week we’re having a bad case of real life, so I’m not sure who’s free but me. Not sure if you really want drunken Larisi downing slammers and singing shanties at the top of her lungs, but hey, it might happen.

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Seriously. This is not hard.

2024 Brewfest Updates, courtesy of Norman:

Recipe: Baelgrim’s Bitter (drop from Coren Direbrew)
2 Delver’s Waterskin, 1 Hot Honeycomb, 3 Granulated Spices, Hops
A fairly weak alcoholic beverage
Restores x amount of stamina / mana
Warning: May cause everyone around you to appear as Earthen

Beledar’s Brewfest Battleaxe (cosmetic)
2H Axe that resembles a brewing stirrer (Gold with a purple aura)

Weave Wand (cosmetic)
Wand that resembles a spider leg, maybe colored with a black widow mark?

Ramolith Mount w/ Brewfest Armor

I don’t know. I just don’t see why they don’t update holidays every year? It’s an easy win and the players first question every single year on every single holiday for the past 20 years is, “Any updates this year?”


Mine are even simpler. Just update the armor drops to current raid ilvl. They should be dropping 600 right now.


I think there’s a recolored backpiece up for this year. Definitely not enough.

I want them to put the Dark Iron mug OH item back in, it was a quest drop during the Dark Iron invasions in TBC and they removed it. People used to sell shares of the quest but I never found anyone to do it :frowning:

Edit: they removed on day 2 of the event one year because of server lag or something, with spamming mug throws at the invaders. iirc it was an OH mug with a red glow.

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The game would feel more alive if these now long-standing holidays were updated more but also integrated more.

I’d love a Brewfest affix in dungeons where Dark Irons pop out, that would be so funny.

At least there are banners up in the new city :slight_smile:


At the very least the item drops should be on the veteran level, that would actually incentivize doing it.

Every single year this happens with Brewfest and every single year they update Hallow’s End to be at least worth doing.

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Ya same loot, same cosmetics, and 571 so significantly junk compared to even heroic dungeons. Remember when Holliday loot was equivalent to higest current content…“Pepperidge Farms Remembers”.

On the first day of Brewfest, Coren gave to me: an agility dagger for my warlock…
(I can’t wait to see what drops tomorrow!)


Sounds about right.

I was hoping to get the 2 Beer Steins for the 16k Stamina.
Get a nice boost to my Damage just for the LoLs for World PVP.

Wouldn’t use them for tanking trinkets.

Literally two keg mounts.

One, your character is running on-top of the barrel as it rolls along on its side, and serves as a ground mount.

Two, your character straddles it and there’s a stream of pressurized beer shooting out the spigot, and it serves as a flying mount.

Don’t clap, throw me money.


That happens when you dissolve your special events team to appease shareholders.


My favorite Brewfest was the year Saurfang got killed as I was eating my giant pretzel.


did anyone else notice they made timewalking gear 554 :confused:

brewfest also not dropping decent gear is disappointing.

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