For me it’s the same Brew for the Brewfest and Chug and Chuck. In Brew for the Brewfest the apple crates do not work. They are like solid fake objects, and you cannot get the buff when hitting them. With some trial and error, I was able to complete it with the crates, but it was really difficult. With Chug and Chuck, the samples do not work. I was able to do the Wolpertinger quest only after getting completely smashed and I was not wearing goggles. I was looking forward to getting achievements done so I can get the Violet Drake. Will these be addressed?
Same here… I got other things to do guys. Could make killing the iron dwarf invasion impossible. Can’t pick up any samplers. Works in Ironforge tho…
Those darn Dark Iron Dwarves are smashing our kegs with no repercussions!
Can confirm that the Dark Iron Dwarf invasion for horde is uncompletable.
Apparently, the Alliance Brewfest quests are working properly. Horde Chug & Chuck is still broken. No idea about the Dark Iron Guzzlers attack.
bump, also having this issue. Additionally, the banners in orgrimmar are floating in mid air in the valley of wisdom.
Hello, Just an advice. I just tried the next and it works (For the Horde people that cannot pick up a mog)
- I went to Ironforge, and got the mug there,
- Back to Orgrimmar a Black Iron attack was happening
- I tried to defend and the Mug automatically reload if you hit a dwarf
So we are able to complete the achievement but need to bring the mug from Ironforge, also we can complete the quest in Ironforge and turn on Orgrimmar. Greetings.
I am not traveling to an alliance city to work around Blizzard’s miserable bugs. BLIZZ FIX YOUR GAME
I can confirm if you get your cup from ironforge, you can get there fast by flying from twilight highlands, and go back to org with just a few others you can get the achieve for the invasion. The bank perms bug has went on for months now so I wasn’t counting on this one being fixed in a couple weeks (altho if it does yay!). If ya need the achievement, the work around may be safest bet before its over and while people are still hanging out at brewfest needing it.
The reward Wolpertinger’s Tankard is unable to be used and therefore cannot summon the companion.
2024 September 22 11:30 AM HORDE
Just did this on Grobbulus server with 4 people.
Had 3 people fly to Dun Morogh and grabbed the mug off an alliance table which is located north of Kharanos. Got the mug and hearthed back to org and waited for event to happen and had 1 of each of us defending the keg with the macro
/Tar Dark Iron Guzzler
/Use Complimentary Brewfest Sampler
and there was also a warrior that was whirlwinding around who was not with us but it looked like it was stunning the dwarves. It is possible to do just need at least 3-4 people. Event lasts about 5 mins.
You will have to float between kegs as well because some get over run more than others.
Thank you I will try this.
There are flags for brewfest with collision just hanging mid air in org still.
I get that people are trying to help by offering work arounds, I’d much prefer that Blizzard just fix the event. My guild doesn’t really bother with the holiday stuff, and the most people I’ve seen at the IF location during the event is 4 at most, when there’s usually at least 10+ sitting in Durotar, seeing as it’s a heavily horde-favored server. The fix seems incredibly simple from a development perspective, it should’ve been fixed the second day of brewfest.
I was hoping maintenance would fix it, but it appears it has not Blizzard come on this is a bad look.
I have never posted on the forums, but I am over it after submitting tickets on several occasions this expansion. The Horde Brewfest has been bugged for half of the event at this point. Horde players cannot pick up Complimentary Brewfest Sampler to complete the “Chug and Chuck!” quest or beat the Dark Iron Dwarves invasion to accept the “This One Time, When I Was Drunk…” quest. The apple barrels do not reset the ram fatigue meter on the “There and Back Again” quest, so you could only earn up to 8 Brewfest Prize Tokens per day during the first four event days. As of event day five (today), the goblin who tosses you the keg for delivery only appears to toss it, but the keg no longer appears in your inventory to deliver to the quest giver. We were patient when a hotfix was not forthcoming, but for the event not to be fixed during weekly maintenance is unacceptable.
Seriously, no one verified the event started functionally to make any necessary changes by at least Tuesday? Players who are going for achievements, pets, toys, etc. are going to have to wait another year to earn enough Brewfest Prize Tokens to earn everything. It takes two years to do so as it is. Luckily, I am 1 Brewfest Prize Token away from redeeming the last two toys I needed after going for the achievements that were introduced last year, but the same may not be true for many other players. While I am not a cancel-culture Karen, I would like to know who is responsible for this and will there be any accountability? This should not happen when people are paying for the game to work correctly.
To whomever ends up fixing Brewfest (if anyone), go ahead and fix the Cloak of the Darkmoon Faire transmogrification bug while you are at it. The cloak is in the Appearances tab, yet the “You have not collected this appearance” message remains. Fix one or the other, or return my 90 Darkmoon Faire Tickets. Cot dammit Blizzard!
anyone else completely sick of this sh!t happening EVERY. SINGLE. EVENT? i swear to god every event in a row has had some wretched bug, that is lucky to be fixed before the event is even over! its COMPLETELY UNNACCEPTABLE FOR A GAME THIS OLD!!
Get it together, Blizzard, seriously…
This event has broken even further for Horde. You no longer receive kegs in your inventory during the riding daily. Still no acknowledgement that they’re even aware of this issue.
SAME!!! This is SO frustrating, and another year is going to pass where I miss out on the rewards because 2 of the quests are completely bugged. Do better Blizz.