Brew Tank (190 ilvl) LF Raid Team

Okay All,

Here is my spiel…
I have been away from WoW Retail since EP, playing WoW Classic. I am looking to make a return to Retail for SL and I am seeking a new group of fellow neck beards to raid with.

About Me:
I have been raiding and tanking since the release of TBC. During that time I have raided at both a very high level (Sunwell pre 3.0, Server Firsts all T7, Yogg No Guardians, CE Emerald Dream, etc) and at a more casual level yet still delving into mythic content each tier.

What I’m Looking For:

  1. Community!!! I can’t stress enough the one thing that playing Classic this past year has made me remember, is just how important the community aspect is to me. I want a group of people that will hang out in Discord while questing and doing dailies. I want to build friendships with the people I am slaying dragons with.
  2. Mythic Progression Raiding. CE is not a must but neither is barely getting AOTC. My time is valuable and I want to be with a group that has fun but also knows when to get serious and push progression.
  3. Two Raid Nights a Week. Not looking to turn WoW into a full time job. I want a group that is able to get things done on a 6 - 9 hour a week raid schedule.

Sunday - Thursday 9:30 PM EST - 2:00 AM EST

If interested in talking further please add Spanks#1861 on BNET and we can chat!


Let me know if you’re interested

Hi Kay,

Thanks for hitting me up but sadly Fridays and Saturdays don’t work for me due to family stuff.

Good luck with your raid.


Still searching for raid team

LF new neckbeards to play with

Still looking for new raid team.