Why is this mob greying out after 5 tags? Its already a long respawn AND low drop chance of mount,so why go even further?
This is a MMO. An arbitrary 5 tags limit is pretty ridiculous. Seriously, It’s frustrating.
For those who dont know, its this mob:
He has a super low drop chance of dropping this mount:
Agree, very frustrating design choice considering how low the drop rate is.
I would get the limit if it did not drop a mount. They could make it so that for rare mobs that could drop a mount or any other special item, they can increase the amount to around 20 to 30 players.
Its not a rare. Its an elite.
It should be a rare. With a daily lockout. Right now you can endlessly grind it.
Ive seen multiple people with 300+ attempts already and it has been confirmed to drop after repeated kills everyday so far.
Fallen Charger back in the day was also endlessly farmable and they changed that to a daily lockout with higher drop chance…
Do that for Breeze too please.
Not to mention that people spam join Cobalt Assembly and other unrelated groups to find spawns… kind of annoying and slightly scummy.
Hello, just popping in here with 170 Breeze kills to say, please make this taggable by more people. Please let us make bigger groups for it so people feel like they can list it. At the moment, people aren’t making groups because they are scared they won’t get a tag. I have been in a group before where I nicely waited for other people to get there and then more people tagged it and it went grey for me. It is not a nice feeling to miss out on a tag because its capped at 5, and with the recent revelations with its spawn spot and timers, more people are now sitting where it spawns. We had 6 people sitting at its spawn on my server yesterday. One unlucky person waited all that time and didn’t get a tag.
Let us make groups like we used to for mount rares. It was a fun experience making groups, seeing things drop. I haven’t seen a single mount drop.
Like Roguinaa said, people are realm hopping at the moment and sniping kills on other realms. If we could invite more people and make raid groups it would minimise the amount of people constantly hopping around and getting solo kills.
It doesn’t have to be a daily lockout, just let it be tagged by more. The respawn is already 1-2 hours. If it is made a daily lockout, make the respawn quicker.
has this been changed yet to allow more tags?
Not at all. NPC’s still classified as a regular elite.
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still able to farm it all day?
Yep. People still getting drops after multiple kills.
This a tough farm, but I like killing it multiple times a day. I know that’s not a popular opinion. That being said, I wouldn’t mind it being farmable in raid, would make grouping easier.
hello bilzzard please fix this thank you
Its working as intended to waste peoples time for time played metrics
Why are you necro’ing so many Breezebiter threads?

why does that bother you so much? i foretold your reaction because all the NPCs in these forums react the same way.
Lol imagine whining over such an easy drop that most get on their first tag/try.
wowhead suggests youre wrong with an average of 250 kills. Imagine being clueless
The thread is over a year old. Your own post is 9 month after the last one. That’s a necro.
yea i realised that hence why i removed that comments section. Still, it doesnt really matter as the problem is still there
Got it on first kill like many others. Git gud.