Breath of Sindragosa
Replaces Frost Strike
Instant, 2 charges, 15 second recharge.
Cost: 10 Runic Power per second.
Deals X frost damage in a frontal cone with reduced damage beyond 5 targets, consuming runic power every second while active, until you run out.
If Breath of Sindragosa is already active when a charge is consumed, instead gain 30 Runic Power and Killing Machine.
In this form, the ability would have higher damage than Frost Strike, but NOT be “Burst CD” levels of higher damage.
I believe with a change like this to BoS, that it would become much more user-friendly while retaining it’s core “Runic Power auto-consumer” gameplay, with skilled players able to use their charges at opportune moments to keep up their breath as much as possible.
Future talents could even give it CD reset mechanics, or just CDR in general, say, a talent that upgrades it from the base ability, etc.
Let me know what your thoughts are!
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I actually really like this idea, altho i am not sure about that last line the free 30 rp for munching charges seems OP, but the core concept is cool. I think.
So it would be indefinite? Thats one of the reasons why it was changed and nerfed in the first place.
I actually like the idea that was datamined but was not a legit change; that being Breath is activated when Pillar is used, lasts 6 seconds and is extended 1 sec per rune spent.
The more I read stuff like this, the more I’ll actually miss BoS restoring runes if it gets changed.
And i mean restoring 2 runes on start and end.
Doesnt need a rework. Go again lol
I would like a new BoS just bc i the talent feels old now imo, but i wuld not b mad if it stays the same tbh this was my favorite version of BoS.
I completely agree that Blizzard should do something about BoS. Right now, it’s either something you love or something you completely avoid, which isn’t a great design. One of the biggest issues is that you can level almost entirely without using BoS, and then at max level, you’re suddenly told it’s the meta. That feels awful.
Instead, I suggest BoS should be introduced earlier in the Frost DK talent tree with supporting talents that ease players into its mechanics. If players received BoS sooner and had talents that modified or catered to different playstyles, it would make the ability far more approachable and versatile.
Here are some ideas I previously posted that would help make BoS more adaptable and enjoyable:
- Sindragosa’s Remorse
- BoS and Remorseless Winter combine into a single ability.
- Creates a 360-degree frost field that slows enemies.
- The field expands over time, increasing its range and damage the longer it remains active.
- Glacial Trail
- BoS leaves behind a frozen path that lasts for 10 seconds.
- Enemies standing on the frozen ground take 15% increased frost damage from all sources.
- Movement speed is reduced by 30%, and they take additional frost damage each second.
- Wings of Sindragosa
- BoS and Pillar of Frost combine into a single ability.
- Grants the Death Knight frost wings, absorbing heat from the surroundings.
- Nearby enemies suffer from Brittle Bones, increasing their physical damage taken.
- The longer the ability is active, the more frost damage enemies take when they move.
- Each time an enemy moves while affected by Brittle Bones, they take escalating frost damage, increasing based on the number of Brittle Bones stacks.
- Twin Breaths (Similar to your idea about extra charges)
- BoS gains a second charge, allowing for more frequent use.
- Each activation lasts 50% less time than a normal BoS duration.
- Allows for shorter, controlled bursts instead of an all-or-nothing approach.
- Frostshard Infusion
- Replaces BoS with an ability that infuses the DK’s weapon with frost shards.
- Attacks deal bonus frost damage, and critical hits cause frost shard explosions.
- The infusion lasts until Runic Power is exhausted, but remaining shards persist for 30 seconds.
- Glacial Onslaught
- Obliterate: Leaves a Glacial Scar on the target, dealing frost damage over time.
- BoS: Consumes all active Glacial Scars, dealing instant frost damage and healing the DK based on the total damage consumed.
My suggestion to move BoS earlier in the tree and allow talents to gradually modify it would be a huge game changer. If players were exposed to BoS before hitting max level and had ways to tweak it to their liking—whether through shorter bursts, a hybrid AoE option, or synergy with Obliterate—it would make Frost DK feel much more intuitive and flexible.
Right now, Frost DKs hit max level and are told, “Use BoS or don’t be competitive.” That’s bad design. Instead, Blizzard should introduce BoS earlier, then allow players to build around it in a way that suits them.
Side note: They should also remove all auto-attack talents from both the class tree and the spec tree. Auto-attack talents force players to choose dual wielding when they might prefer to use a two-hander. I would prefer the flexibility that monks have in choosing which weapons they want to use—even if it’s the one with Cantrips normally.
this is a wild take homie