BRD (H) Lord Incendius MONK TAUNT

Monk taunt does not make Lord switch beam targets. every other tank it works on.


Having this same issue

Can confirm, same issue today.

Can confirm my monk co-tank having the same issues.

Happening to me too just now, hasn’t been fixed. Monks of all specs getting shafted in the weirdest ways possible is almost poetic at this point.

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Kicked from a raid because everyone was convinced that I somehow made it to AOTC without knowing what taunt was?


I’ve just been solo tanking it and asking for external speed boosts to stay on when I run out of mobility haha

This is really frustrating and makes the fight a gigantic pain in the butt. Would love to see this fixed.


This needs to be fixed ASAP…still bugged as of the most recent reset.

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