So, I’ve attempted to form 3 different pug groups for the BRD NORMAL event in Tanaris with folks ranging of 590+. Comp of 3 healers/2 tanks/10 DPS. There’s a 15-person hard cap. While not even coming close to downing just the first boss, Lord Roccor (who has a GazillionBazillion health), here’s what I’ve learned so far:
- Over 50% of folks don’t follow basic directions and mechanics.
- After just one wipe, people instantly drop raid and leave - which wouldn’t be a problem normally if not for the next issue.
- There’s no way to requeue and find more people while you’re already inside? Like, HUH? (insert that fat white cat gif) HUUUUUUH? What even is this design man?
- The damage is insane, especially when dispells and interrupts aren’t being dished out. Normal raid feels like an upper tier Heroic raid, so I can’t even imagine what Heroic is like right now.
If you’re in a loyal and dependable guild with folks willing to suffer it out, grats. But, if you’re thinking of creating or joining a pug, don’t do it. You’ll just be wasting your time. It’s clearly not meant for pugs and you won’t finish it with one. And hey, that’s cool. At least the dedicated guilds can enjoy the, “celebration”.
Ran it on Heroics. Couldn’t get past the third boss, Incendius. My groups was about 620 ilvl and couldn’t even come close to downing the boss. They all followed mechanics too.
Cant believe you expect this to work correctly, wouldnt expect it to work at all for next few days not until blizzard fixes everything
Heroic geared group struggling with normal raid. Kinda off.
Angerforge gauntlet is insane on heroic lol.
Its pretty common when you sell a good or service, that the goods or services are working.
When you go out to eat, order a steak, and wind up with a salad, you would likely complain and receive a discount/comp. When your internet goes out, people call their ISP, complain, and get credits added to their account.
IF you never speak up about problems, they wont ever get fixed. Imagine the civil rights movement if no one ever spoke about any of the bad things going on. Nothing would be fixed…
The two groups I tried it on didn’t have issues with the healing (well, I guess I didn’t since idk what the other healers were doing). Our issue was we kept hitting the beserk LOL.
Lol reminds me of normal BRD back in the day.
Many groups fell apart at the gaunlet room, for not knowing what to do.
This was back before it was common knowledge to look stuff up, many went in blind.
Poor bastards.
I’ll probably just do this raid on LFR, to experience it.
Blizz always does this. Releases content way overtuned and then has to nerf it into the ground later. My advice would be simply avoid the raid until the inevitable wowhead article announcing such.
My guild completed 1-4 bosses. We will finish later this week. :3
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