Went through BRD as a 55 - 56 bear tank and for the most part the entire run went very smooth until Emperor. One guy in our group needed to save the princess so we left her alive and our strategy was to keep them together and just ST Emperor.
His ability where he starts dealing fire damage…I fear makes this fight mathematically impossible for my druid. I would try to take him up where he starts and once the enrage hit I would jump down hoping I could juke him to constantly run behind his throne, but this required a lot of precision. If I failed to do that he’d come up to me and nuke me while I’m in some stun from him.
So I ask, is keeping Moira out of CC wise? Is it even possible to save her without CCing her? Is the damage output reduced if the two are separated? Any tips are appreciated.
Edit: some stats, I sit around 4.2k hp in bear form, 14% dodge, roughly 5k armor.
I got a random drop of blazing emblem the other night. Maybe check the AH for it or get fire protection potions.
Yeah we did it no problem, if you got the dps it is extremely easy.
The strategy is to be a couple levels higher.
run around throne when he gets enraged and taunt princess. Casters might want to stay on 2nd floor and jump down when getting aggro
Find a hunter or warlock and have princess on the pet at all times and keep her seperated from emp, and yeah as others have said you very much need fire resistance gear for raids so you benefit from grabbing some now for this boss too
This is the problem.
I did my first BRD clear as a lvl54 and Emperor absolutely decimated me and ran our Healer OOM. Thankfully he didn’t go magic-immune much and the DPS burned him the last 20% while kiting, with Princess alive.
I went back as a lvl58 and it was trivially easy to keep me alive by that same Healer.
You can’t underestimate the massive odds stacked against you for being +3 lvls under a target. You’re taking Crushing Blows and Critical Strikes more than normal hits, you don’t hit them often, when you do finally hit them you hit weakly because of Armor scaling so threat can become a problem, and you don’t resist anything.
I get that the rest of the entire dungeon is doable in the mid 50’s, but Emperor is a step above. Do Anger-Golem-Bael runs if you love the instance, there are loads of 3-5 packs that give a ton of XP and aren’t all that bad to deal with, plus you’ll want legs and ring upgrades.
Level up.
You can’t CC her, she is immune.
The easiest method is to have a second offtank grab her and keep her far far away from the main boss. A hunter pet, Voidwalker, extr war or feral druid would work fine.
If you don’t wanna do that, then you need someone with interrupts chain messing her casts up.
For emperor himself, his fire damage shouldnt be an issue at all. Its not that severe. He’s simple, casters dont waste mana when hes big red, otherwise tank and spank. If you’re having trouble with him individually, someone is undergeared/underleveled. Either you or the healer.
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Easiest way to do this under level is using the pathing exploit.
#1… DPS is to focus and burn her down. she is 90% ranged stuff. no reason for you to face tank her.
#2. pull him and run up stairs… tank him at the top of the platform edge facing the throne.
#3 have the healer stand at the top of the platform edge. so he can see the DPS people. and you are standing next to him.
#4 tank the emp at the top of the platform on the edge of it. when he “goes red” jump down. and wait for him to path to you. the enrage will be off by the time he is back to you. this will give the healer a few ticks of non casting time as well.
#5 pull him back up to the top of the platform. and repeat #4 and #5 untill he is dead.
The ranged DPS can hit him at the top of the platform. and when he is running down to get you . the melee DPS can follow you . or wait at the top or wait at the bottom. remind them that you arent attacking all the time. so you wont have full time DPS aggro.
go slow. use the area pathing to get him away during the “red” portion.
I wasn’t even aware of all these issues to be honest. I did that quest for my ring a week or so ago. Just kinda face tanked him and ignored the princess. Taunted her when our heals pulled aggro. I did have to innervate the healer but other then that it wasn’t bad. I don’t think I was quite as low as you were though. The dps were also probably better. I
The pathing sounds good (though GI the guy above, he needs to save the princess, not nuke her). Try that. To be honest, 4K hp in bear is super low, even for a 55ish I think.
We normally have some ranged class just kite the Princess around so she is no where near the Emp.
a BM hunter can pet tank her on the stairs off to one side, as long as the healer stands at the meeting point of an L, where they can heal both the pet and emp, but she can’t see emp and emp can’t see her. you’re good.
she can also be kited up one set of stairs, then jump to the other side and back and forth, but emp has to be kept up by the throne because if she gets in range of him she’ll stop to buff him.
You should be at least 58 to tank emperor w/ princess
you will be crit/crushed to much… it is rng so you may get 1 run out of 5 where he dies, but it will not be because of any help from you…
level disparity is the factor in this instance I think
It’s already been said, but 90% of your problem is your level. In retail an orange level mob won’t present much more of a challenge than a yellow, but in classic you’re probably gonna get clapped.