Yeah might as well quit, because we can’t possibly figure out the odds of getting heads 100 times in a row, or the odds of rolling 6 on a die 100 times in a row.
Godspeed, young demon hunter. Godspeed.
Took me about 45 runs to get SGC. The first 40 runs I saw Gorosh only once. Then I saw him only 2-3~ runs apart towards the end and got it. SGC isn’t a weighted drop, but Gorosh is a weighted appearance.
ah, sgc
at least yall dont gotta farm drakestone
I’m leaning towards that being the case with seeing Gorosh in 8/140 runs, but the sample size still isn’t large enough to say with a high enough degree of confidence that the dice are rigged.
The problem is that the other bosses are equal chances of appearing, and Gorosh is about half of theirs. Supposedly, he’s a 10% chance, with some saying they’ve seen him upwards of 6 times in a row. Nonetheless, his chest is equal or greater chance to drop, and isn’t weighted against the other pieces on his loot table. So, really, it’s a matter of seeing him.
To anyone out there trying to do odd farms of it: I duo’d with my friend’s holy paladin (or trio, if we brought a caster friend/guildie). There was no contest for loot in that case. Don’t PUG for SGC if you’ve put in a lot of time for it; Gorosh is very, very rare for most players.
Amazing, I’ve done so many runs and killed gorosh 21 times and have yet to see SGC.
I have seen the belt 20+ times - im still yet to see the chest. I have had him spawn about 3 times to drop gloves each time.
I got my hoj early and i swear the mail chest of that boss has a 70% drop rate.
Lucky i got my deathdealers on a 5th run after a warlock looting it accidently.
I need some chest love - lost my valor breastplate due to rolls not going off and boss despawed.
The times me and guildies have farmed arena/anger we started killing all the fire elementals aswell just to avoid hitting the instance cap.
Same boss over and over again . 300 runs and all are Grizzle ??? wtf is that all about??? I understand patience but come on bliz wtf??? If you are trying to force me to play more and pay more . You are wrong . Might as well just cancel my account if this game is that retarded it can not even think of allowing the player to actually play the game correctly . NO ONE LIKE THE STUPID GRINDS FOR NO DAMN REASON!!! 20 times , sure , but no chance in 300 , screw you!!!
bad luck is actually a thing…
ive gotten it after 2 arenas on 1 warrior. and after like 50 on the other one.
for something that THOUSAND of warriors have or are farming.
there are always people with bad luck.
and always people with good luck.
I had it twice before I hit level 52 on my warrior.
It’s not really BiS anymore, but it’s still definitely worth having.