Brax's lost equipment

I completed the quest Brax’s Brass Knuckles in the Ringing Deeps. I keep finding Brax’s toothpicks, shoes, hats, etc. that are gray items with a 1 copper sell price. Why even have the items in the game if they are only selling for 1 copper piece? It’s really obnoxious getting these from satchels and monsters in the zone. It just creates clutter. Either stop having these drop outside of the area around Gundargaz or give them a decent vendor price.

I didn’t even do the quest and I got some Brax items.

Brax needs to get his life together and stop losing all his stuff.


Even worse is that they’[re unique, so if you pick one up and then get the same item later you can’t even loot it you just have a sparkling corpse laying around until you sell the item and go get it.

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