Brawler's Guild Bugs

Just going to list all the issues I’ve encountered so far since this was a mess.

  1. Brawler’s court - You need to implement a hotfix that removes the brawler’s queue when they accept this quest. If a player joins the queue before accepting this quest, it completely shuts down the Brawler’s guild until they complete the trial. If a player goes afk, they can hold the entire event hostage until their game times out. This hotfix needs to go out today before this becomes too problematic as people progress through the questline.

  2. Rumble Card: Penguin Stampede - This rumble does not spawn the penguins. At all. Everyone is pulled in and they just never come. After several minutes everyone is ported out, their time has been wasted, and someone is out 500 brawler’s coins.

  3. Being pulled in and your opponent not spawning for almost a minute. This is most noteable for the big statue that draws everyone in. I think its called Klunk. I’m not sure if the timer starts when we enter or when our opponent enters, but it completely screws up pre-potting at the least.


2 posts were split to a new topic: Cannot accept the Solving the Mystery quest

Saw the same issue with the Penguin Stampede quest. Players get pulled in and until they log out, or hearthstone out of the arena. Some players were advocating to report players who stayed in the arena for language to force them out, so it might be worth checking reports based in the brawler’s guild until this is fixed.

Also yesterday i binged the brawlers guild and hit rank 8 for the first time on this character. However despite the achievement I do not have the brawler title on this character, I’m not sure if this is a bug centered on my character or the achievement in question (brawler for azeroth).

Having this issue right now with the penguins. Got a guy who is intentionally abusing this bug to prevent anyone from doing the Brawler’s Guild.

We have to all leave queue to reset it, but they refuse to do so and are just trolling everyone not letting anyone compete.

EDIT: Thought I’d mention as well, not getting any rep either and it keeps resetting my fights where I have to keep fight Bruce over and over again. Haven’t been able to progress past them, even though I keep winning the fight.

Adding to this.

Also had the penguin bug. Had to type /afk to get ported out of the arena (alliance). Succesfully killed penguins and pandas on horde. Tried pandas on alliance and we could not dismount the pandas (or kill them before they reached the middle). On horde the pandas were bouncing around and kicking people off their wagons as intended.

Now the horde arena is completely bugged. It keeps pulling people in but no enemy spawns. The announcer has stopped.

Great quality control testing here

Edit: Getting really annoyed wasted 1000 gold on brawl cards so far. Do I just stop trying to complete the soul quest?

Another bug:

Alliance BM hunter. Boss: Stitches.
Sometimes the Aura of Rot gets stuck at 1 stack, other times it instantly stacks to 8 then kills me in 1 second.

According to wowhead it should gain a stack every 1.5seconds that is definitely not happening.

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When I do random brawl mode, I’ll (fairly often) end up having to fight one of Rumble bosses. Alone, even when there are others in the queue… so there’s basically no hope of victory.

Sometimes it’ll even put me up against the penguin stampede boss- which is also (literally) broken.

Just watched someone kill the ethereal boss and the fight stopped, didnt declare a winner and the person has teleported away at this point. it just wont end.

On the Ogrewatch encounter, the swirlies for the Maniacal Laugh explosions dont appear half the time. Could theoritically just move each time its cast, but then theres a good chance you move right in to another that you can’t see.

Edit: Actually, after finally completing it after 6 attempts, what appears to be happening, is at the end of the cast, instead of placing the swirlies on the ground, the mob is simply just immediately detonating where the bombs wouldve potentially been.

What Kyokii said about Stitches is exactly what’s happening to me right now, to the point where I’m stuck on that boss cause of that reason.

Stitches still seems to be bugged, except I had it where I was just standing there watching the buff randomly tick up and down. Like it would go 1 to 4 to 3 to 6 continuously.

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Second boss in rank 3 (Klunk) bugged out in a weird way - spawned Mindbreaker Gzzaj for me instead which is a rumble boss. There were multiple people in queue but they didn’t port in the arena.

I managed to kill it solo and got credit for regular boss kill. Klunk challenge card showed up on the vendor despite the fact that i actually never fought it.

So i’m confident it weasn’t just a regular rumble card use.

Also Mindbreaker Gzzaj fight is bugged by itself. He supposed to mind control people, but actually just keeps casting stuff that does nothing. No lights on the ground etc. Becomes a very simplified patchwerk style boss with no mechanic.

Having to constantly fight and defeat the same brawler, not registering wins happened with Ahoo’ru and now Sanoriak