Brawl With The Blues RBG Testing - April 26

Please join Blizzard developers in the Cataclysm Beta on Friday, April 26 at 1:00 p.m. PDT (4:00 p.m. EDT) as we test Rated Battlegrounds. Here are the details:


1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. PDT on Friday, April 26 (4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. EDT)


The Cataclysm Classic Beta
Realm name: Classic Beta PvP


Everyone should be able to select level 85 template characters, join a guild, and build out your talents and gear. You can be either Horde or Alliance (faction is not a concern).


Starting at 1:00 p.m., form groups of 10 and queue for Rated Battlegrounds.

We’ll be there looking to help you in any way we can, and we’ll open a new feedback thread here in this forum. Please use the in-game bug report tool for any issues you come across.

Thank you very much!


wish i had cata beta to come play =(

neat, will try to get 10 people together for it

We’re sending out a big wave of invites soon.


Let us queue arena skirmishes please. Everyone is stuck on garbage pservers atm.


I want to preface my post by saying I understand you are a busy person. However, I find the lack of transparency appalling. In the off chance you see this Kaivax, please explain why we are still operating on a beta that has very little to no fixes for 1-60 leveling. Why classes still continue to have issues. When are we going to get answers?


They left hunters and DKs in a bugged state for an entire expansion… why would they start caring now. You will get a stock bugged version of the expansion, it’s just the standard quality of Blizzard now.

how many classes even function correctly on beta to pvp with?

what about the arena points being removed a week early on live wotlk?

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Any bug fixes coming? Cant zone into dungeons when dead, stables/Call Pet still not working, pet bars not displaying/functioning, profession not giving skill up from Yellow skill crafting, cant link spells/collections mounts + pets in chat* (still bugged in WotLK*), Sandstone drake not functioning properly. Probably more but this is what ive found


When can we make our characters to set up for the event? Would love to have 85 templates soon

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So 2 hours of pvp testing? Can we not just have 85 templates now with bloodthirsty set to make sure arenas, and abilities are functioning? Would really like to make sure before it goes live, if that’s okay.


You guys planning to do anything about the rampant RMT groups in retail RBGs? Same group running three seasons strong now.

Hope this is a sign of a big bug fix patch going in on the normal Thursday patches since they are expecting us to be able to properly test BGs on Friday.


Where are the 85 templates? The vendors are live but only on Wrath PTR - not Cata beta server.

Is anyone testing this? I’m looking for a group!