Brawl Comp Stomp not happening this week?

So according to the calender, Brawl: Comp Stomp was supposed to start this week, but we got Battleground Blitz AGAIN. Am I missing something? Was comp stomp removed?

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yeah i noticed, this is so stupid, as i had characters i wanted to gear up for PvP before i move

Apparently there’s a tweet saying they are working on a fix.

awesome, can you share the tweet with me please?

thank you very much, i was thinking it would be an answer like that, not sure why i am still surprised

No ETA means it won’t be happening since this event is only a week long event lmao typical Blizzard. If it’s not the world first race they don’t care. Why this game dwindles in players more and more

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they even advertised it, so it was supposed to be there

Jump Into This Week’s PvP Brawl — World of Warcraft — Blizzard News

Reads a lot like they’re beating around the bush instead of just admitting that they’re skipping it. I’ll gladly eat my words if it ends up being rescheduled, but this isn’t the first time Comp Stomp’s been ‘cancelled’ by Blizzard for reasons that they never admit to.

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Honestly, the fact that this so-called “Battleground Blitz” event has been overriding the scheduled pvp brawls, including Comp Stomp, aka the only pvp brawl i actually enjoy doing, this fiasco has only succeeded in making me HATE the fact that Battleground Blitz even EXISTS! Blizzard should just wise up and make Comp Stomp a permanent pvp feature available for those who wanna obtain all those cool pvp-gated items like transmog, mounts, etc, without the stress and frustration of the self-appointed “general battleground leader elitists” yelling toxicity at them in the instance chats, they can even do a rated Comp Stomp mode, as well, that way the hardcore pvp’ers can have their fun, against other players, while those who just want the vicious war mounts, but aren’t as good at rated pvp against actual players can farm for their vicious war mounts, plus it can serve as a pvp tutorial-style simulation

the only acceptable solution at this point is to just not have it at all this week and have it next week instead.