Brann's Threat

Brann puts out way too much threat for the tiny amount of dmg he deals. Every pull, he rips aggro right off of my pet. Please fix.


Well, you see, Brann’s approach to Delves is a simple one. If he rips threat and dies, his time inside that delve is over with, and he can then move on to uncovering more exciting things.


Have you considered how helpful he is at telling you about the webs? He’s trying to multitask!


I actually agree with the op. But I feel like it varies. Sometimes he just creates crazy threat for seemingly no reason. I suppose maybe it’s his heals. Does healing create more threat per HP healed than damage does per HP removed? That might explain it. But I’ve definitely seen instances where Brann does ~1M damage to a mob, but keeps aggro until I’ve done like 15-20M.

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It wouldn’t be so bad if he didn’t start kiting around like a spaz six year old hopped up on sugar and caffiene the moment he got aggro.


I mean, people used this to their advantage early on in TWW.

Which is probably why they’re just giving him a tank role option in 11.1.

Maybe in 11.1 if he’s still pulling weird amounts of threat outside of the tank role they can gut it. I wouldn’t mess with it too much right now though.

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Thanks for the 5 copper


To be fair, this isn’t always a bad thing as Brann can generally take more of a beating than your pet can, without needing to be healed.

It’s a bad thing because brann jumps all over the place aggroing 20 mobs.

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To be honest, for me, Brann has only aggroed mobs that I’m attacking or that attack me. The only time that becomes annoying is when he takes them out of range or LoS.

In takrethan abyss specifically, he seems to go a little nuts and agro stuff, but IDK maybe that’s just for me

Don’t be messing with my Bwanny poo.

They’ll nae be using that move

I’ve never had him pull agro from my pets.

I had a weird problem with him on my rogue, he kept ripping aggro then running mobs away and to the farthest edge near a ledge where it was difficult/endangering to reach these mobs. I had to run far away and he would reset to my side and then the mobs would follow. I’d have to do this and kill one baddie one by one because he just kept doing it. I never even used tricks on him.

You walk into the treasure room at the end of a delve, piles and piles of gold… your share is like, 50g tops. Where does the rest of it go? Does Brann keep it all? What is he spending it all on? Is it his addiction to gnome hookers and felweed?


And then every other class that doesn’t have a pocket tank would be screwed. Your request is denied.

If Brann could stop pulling stuff before I attack it and also stop dragging things out of Shadow Crash that’d be great.


It’s pretty irritating when I’m trying to corall everything up and drag them in front of zone hazards like spores or mine carts, or even just efficiently AoE everything down.

Would be nice if we could tell the little maniac to stand down


Brann after every delve

a man is laying on top of a pile of money from a tv show called a.m.c.