Honestly, what if brann is the test bed for the next class?
It may not even be one class but a test for new specs. The new tank being a hunter offspec with shield and gun. He summons a bear and uses a shotgun as well.
His healing spec is some sort of new titan enhanced priest.
And the dps is cool and incorporates some hunter logic but he also has a lot of buffing potential. Could be bard.
Honestly, all of these could be reskinned slightly into a bard.
I’m in on brann being the test bed for bard. Fits 3 needs in game, tank, heals, and support DPS.
Sounds a whole lot better than tinkler IMO.
I expect at least some of his stuff to end up on the Tinker in some form.
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lol you shut him down in 3 words.
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NPCs rarely have the same ability restrictions as PCs do, even within the same class. Just because Brann is going to have a tank spec in 11.1 while technically being a hunter, doesn’t mean players should expect to get a tanking spec on their hunters.
So a class that throws crap on the ground for you to collect and you need to go jump on the person’s head so you can do 3 cannon ball back flips onto the boss, not doing a rotation or controlling your character or a class that charges a skill shot where you need to stop what you’re doing to point his arrow at the boss.
Yeah this sounds like it will go over VERY well with the player base. Just add a class where every single ability is a mechanic people can’t stand, even historically lol, like clicking crap on the ground.
idea:all the tinkers are now branns. tinker class can only look like brann.
All Tinkers are now goblin or gnome only. Engineering is deleted from the game.
no. delete all the professions.
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This but unironically.
Making items is NPC behavior.
he’s awful. no thank you. i don’t wanna have to level a class that’s called “annoyingly terrible and in the way”)
From the Undermined preview video, I could say more Tinker, as previously Brann’s tricks were almost all hunter-themed.
I gotta say I really liked the idea of pistol + shield thing.
New Class: Archaeologist
3 specs: RDPS / MDPS / Healer
RDPS: Pistoleer
Uses a main hand gun, and an offhand whip. When caught in close quarters, throws a punch.
MDPS: Digger
Uses a sword or dagger in main hand, and a torch in the other (fire damage)
Healer: Apothecary
Can make his own healing potions to use as AoE bombs, throws healing darts, and can render physical first aid (bandage style) even in combat.
It was fun just to think up random stuff. But I don’t see it becoming a class 
This all this. Maybe this is why archeology was abandoned in recent history.
I think it was abandoned because at a certain point we just had way too much stuff going on. I think it’s also the same reason why first aid was removed and handed to Tailors.
I’m pretty sure it’s because they kept making completing it become more and more obnoxious after MoP with no actual rewards for going through the awful process so people stopped bothering. Then because no one was doing it they just stopped updating it.