Brann XP in delves by tier?

Is there a chart somewhere showing the amount/diff of XP Brann gets based on the bountiful delve tier?

Like he gets X if its a T4 but Y if its a T8?

It varies by what you collect and therefore impacted by RNG.

My Brann has been stuck at lvl 49 for awhile, but seems to get about 50k xp per level 8 delve.

I was honestly wondering the same thing. I know at tier 8 bountifuls its either 46k or 48k. I’m kinda tempted to run some at say level 6 to see if its the same amount or less since the xp required jumps so much.


Keep in mind when testing this out:

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Yeah i know about the bountifuls but could not find any page that explained if you do a bountiful T4 it is X amount vs a bountiful T8 it is Y amount of XP.

Also was just in a delve and everyone talking about upcoming no XP for anything under a 9?!

I’m not sure where that’s coming from, unless it’s something 11.0.7 is changing.

Edit: I checked the patch notes in PTR and I’m not seeing anything.

late reply but i can confirm the xp is determined from delve levels. i completed a 6 delve and brann got 30k xp compared to 48k on level 8. IMO 8s are the best to farm bountiful xp since you don’t have to deal with the mini bosses


I can confirm to you that a T11 Bountiful will give the same amount of XP as a T8 Bountiful.

So, I would argue the cap of XP is at T8, for 45k XP.

With current anniversary buffs, its 52200 XP per bountiful. I have to test yet if Brann XP is associated with Reputation or actual XP. I will get the Whee buff from Darkmoon Faire tonight, kick a Bountiful and see how it goes.

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Can confirm. Brann XP is associated with REPUTATION.
The more Reputation Gain % you have, the more XP Brann gets at doing a T8 as the limit of a Delve.
I cleared a T8 Dread Pit just now, with Whee buff from Darkmoon Faire and the Blessings of the Bronze Dragonflight, and my Brann got precisely 55800 XP from clearing it.

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I wanted to know this myself. I looked up Brann’s progress on his profile pic. Said he was at 14967/42000. I ran a bountiful 8 where he earned xp for the instance kills (I killed everything). I also picked up every treasure (one hidden one gave 11,200. The completion XP showed as 45000. I looked up his profile again only to find his progress was now at 15,504/42000. Seems like the 60K xp earned for the run only moved the progress needle 537, or about 1%