Brann stopped getting XP today in Delves

Currently my Brann is at level 38. I have 56,300/88062 exp needed at level 38 - but the bountiful delves are no longer giving XP to him? I have plenty of keys on my alts, I can do 4 bountifuls a day on each toon, and get XP. Everything has been fine until today - now it seems XP has been locked? Nothing has been communicated so why is this happening?


My bann also stopped gaining exp at lvl 38 at 25,339/88062.
sucks because im trying to get to the point that i can speed clear these delves i got 7 alts I am trying to blast with

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I believe they made a blue post about this yesterday

if you are able to find that? the only thing I can see if that Bran only levels in bountiful delves… but they changed how that works?

Could be a bug. Could of stopped exp cuz players like you with the army of alts doing non stop delves that for some reason they never think of. They seem to stealth buff nerf stuff all the time.

Just started playing and after they changed what ever they changed my bran was lvl 16 and I have done 3 bountifull delves and he is still lvl 16, not gaining any xp, i opened many of the jar things along the way and did not skip anything, and he has not changed lvl / xp one bit. they said do bountifull to get bran xp so i did, he got to lvl 16 then they changed something the other day, now he is stuck at that lvl.

To be honest brann exp gains should of been handled like reputation, yes shared between alts in all ways, you keep the levels but can only get exp on the delves once each time. Playing as an alt shouldn’t be the “Right” way to play. A person not playing alts should not be penalized.

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but then my fresh level 70 alt would have a level 38 Brann to delve with.

You sure this is a good idea?

I mean don’t get me wrong, I’d love for my alts to have a pain free trip to T8 while gearing up, just seems a bit, cheat-yyy…exploit-yyy type thing.

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idk maybe your right, but at the same time it just feels like it removes some of the grind you already did. Your still doing the work for the gear you just have a slightly easier time doing it.


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Community Manager



At level 15 and higher, Brann only gets XP for seasonal progression from bountiful delves.

We have a hotfix coming that will make this more clear in the tooltip. From level 1 to 14, Brann gains XP from all delves, and then from level 15 to 60, the tooltip will read:

Sorry I can’t post that… /sigh