Brann is so stupid with how his AI is set up, that I genuinely feel like he’s meant to emulate that one idiotic hunter in your group, who seems like they’re deliberately trying to get the group wiped in a dungeon. He’s either so ineffective after a certain Ilevel, that I wonder why he’s even there, or an active detriment to my game plan. On my rogue alt, whenever I sap/blind an enemy, he will just use AOEs or even targeted abilities to wake them up. I can try to LOS enemies, so they’re not close enough for that to be an issue, but brann is stupid, and will just continue to shoot enemies outside of cover, and eat up all of the aggro. SO I can’t be tatical with CC, because brann is stupid. I can’t us LOS to move enemies away, because brann is stupid, I can’t rely on him to heal, or do DPS. He seems like an intentional irritant to the Delve experience, I swear.
EDIT: as a rogue his campfire will unstealth you, and you have NO control of when, or where he places it. FUN
And I know this is just a preference sort of thing, but he’s really annoying? “dOn’T sTaNd ThErE” along with having to tell us for the 900th freakking time that “THA’ DEVICE KEEPS US SAFE FROM TH’ POISON!” Like, nah, you don’t say? I’ve only done that delves like 15 times. I think I know it’s mechanics by now???