Brann go Brrr

I just did a delve since the new hotfix. Brann kicked in the door to the mine and started shooting mobs in da face. Seriously, he was shooting that 'ol musket like a machine gun, cackling like a mad man, I tried to stop him but he wouldn’t have it, his eyes were blood red and crazed.

It was like a scene from a horror movie, so I went and hid. But the screams, I can still hear them and…and the machine gun fire…rat a tat tat… A kobold went running by me and…and it’s head was missing…his little candle just sitting atop his neck…



And welcome to the Vanilla WoW forums.

I don’t remember things like Chrono Boon or the Guild Chat Interface from Vanilla…


Whiles correct, I stopped using the term “Classic” because of Cata and how the progression realms are referred to as “Classic” or how they call SoD “Classic”.

The goal here is to differentiate Era from the rest of that nonsense in a way that’s unmistakable even if its not exactly perfectly accurate.

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I call it Era…

(FWIW: I suppose I’m a little strange like this. I dislike when people call D2R D2, as well. It’s something that I notice and it bothers me, but I could just not mention it! I shouldn’t expect others to use terms just because I prefer them).


I am future proofing VS “TBC-Era” and “Wrath-Era” and “CATA-Era”

Vanilla isn’t this client, imo. It’s from a long time ago. I used to think private servers weren’t it, because the have completely different backing codebases, but I think they are as close or closer than WoW Classic Era is.


Vanilla hints at certain design decisions, which, i believe we should be striving towards embracing and increasing overtime.

But that’s just my personal stance. I am a vanilla andy but not fully anti changes. But I also call it vanilla sometimes instead of era on purpose.

While this is technically accurate; we need to help prevent confusion about what game we play even if its got some sharp differences between them.

The best way to do that is call this what its based on.

<Expansion Name> Classic works, imo. Whereas the base game is WoW.

  • WoW Classic
  • TBC Classic
  • Wrath Classic
  • Cata Classic
  • etc.

Of course, that’s my preference. Vanilla is an endearing nickname that we gave to the game as it was then (not now), and at least for me, whenever I read you specifically (because nobody else really seems to call it this, or didn’t until recently when you started posting it) it really irks me. Haha, of course, that’s something I have to just deal with.


I hear this and think retail now.

Only era / vanilla i trust.

How do you differentiate between Vanilla and Era? I really dislike a lot of the changes they’ve made for WoW Classic that are not from Vanilla. Though, I am pretty happy that we have the servers we do!


Era are the current servers.
Vanilla is a design ideology.

Since Era is the closest official thing to vanilla i somewhat use them interchangeably but they do have different meanings.

So like, boons are on Era and they are not vanilla.
But Era is close enough to vanilla for me to call it so.

I mean, fair enough. Call stuff whatever you want!

For me though, it’s confusing that people are conflating Vanilla and Classic. I would normally understand the sentences, “I played Vanilla, but I never played Classic.” or “I’ve played Classic but I haven’t played Vanilla.” Though in the context you guys are using Vanilla, those have lost any meaning.

And that’s fine. It’s just not my own personal preference. I probably shouldn’t bring that sort of stuff up on the forums, I guess.


And again what you’re saying is logical and makes sense but from the outside looking in… Very confusing now that “Classic” is actually Cata and its very likely we will end up with TBC Era and Wrath Era and Cata Era and so on.

fixing the errors in a description path before its a problem is a better more practical way to eliminate confusion even if its not exactly perfect in application.

The goal is to make it possible for the sort of people for people on the outside looking in who may want to try Era to not be confused by the so called “Classic” variety that are out there.

When they hear / read “Vanilla” it conjures up ideas of OG vanilla even if the 1.12 “base” concept that we’re playing on its kinda far removed from proper Vanilla that I played. I know near all the differences, and this game we’re playing is very “Vanilla like” even if its got some stuff that I really dont agree with, but for the “Every player” who’s never played or has not played in 18 years calling it “Vanilla” is a very easy way to eliminate confusion.

Hell at this point just call it “Vanilla-Remastered” because that’s more accurate, but just cutting it down to Vanilla really keeps things simple and easy to understand; even if its not the perfect description.

I won’t, but you can. It’s a pretty strong pet peeve of mine when I hear/read someone use the term Vanilla to describe Era, and I don’t think I’ll get over that.

It’s literally the one thing I consistently cringe at when I read it on these forums. But that’s my issue, not yours.


It’s hard to know what to use as a word these days. I try to stay accurate in my wording of things. I tend to say Era but have been saying “Classic 2019” for certain things or have used the patch numbers.

Saying that a dev said this in a blue post about the “World of Warcraft Classic” whole area, including SoD, a few days ago, which was interesting. So maybe even they flip between wording:

Yeah, kinda confusing jf you dont know what is actually going on.

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