Brann doing nothing in solo delves, I keep getting aggro just from healing him

I was trying to do solo T8 Kriegval’s Rest yesterday as resto druid, and kept failing because Brann did so little that I constantly got aggro just from healing. I was standing as far back from the action as I could, but mobs would literally run past Brann and attack me.

Very oddly, if I solo the same T8 Kriegval’s Rest as guardian druid, Brann is OK. I sometimes pull a big mob with moonfire and say “Brann, you got this one.”, and just heal Brann. And it works just fine, I don’t get aggro just because I’m just healing Brann. But as resto druid, I always get aggro.

Why is Brann so useless now? Why are delves so screwed up? It’s like delve tuning changes hourly, without any testing to see what the changes will do. For one of the key features of the expansion this is really embarrassing for the franchise.

Because his dps is so bad even healers pull aggro now I guess?

Stop overhealing him. Dont touch him as much as possible.

If hes being overwhelmed by mobs, you must be doing Delves higher in difficulty than your level. Why not go back to lower Delves until he gets higher level and DPS curio higher than rank 1? And dont tell me Brann is throwing traps all over the place and you who has aggro not dragging mobs to his traps. And pls dont tell me Brann is throwing potions to you and you are not using it.

I struggled too until Brann got his level 4 Curio. I could say i got lucky. But i failed tier 8 Delves before. It made me better on using my toolkit, defensives and fast response with Brann’s every move.

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I wasn’t overhealing him.

He wasn’t getting overwhelmed by mobs, he was doing so little that I got overwhelmed just by healing.

I couldn’t drag mobs into traps, because the traps are 50 yards away where Brann is doing nothing.

This isn’t my first delve. I’ve done a bunch of solo T8 delves, enough to fill the entire lower row of my Great Vault with ilvl 616 gear. And my Brann is level 20, I think.

Something has happened in the past few days with Brann to make him mostly useless.

they fixed a bug.


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Over the past several days, we’ve heard player reports of much variance in Brann’s performance and contribution in Delves, and we’ve investigated anomalous data along those lines. We recently identified a serious bug that could, under specific circumstances, cause Brann to inherit all the health and damage bonuses meant for enemies in a given difficulty tier. When this bug took effect, the higher the tier of Delve you were running, the stronger Brann would get.

We’ve just deployed a hotfix that will correct this bug. There should now be a consistent baseline of power for Brann, which will increase with your own gear and with his level.

Some specs, whose gameplay tended towards hanging back and letting Brann take the lead, were much more likely to trigger the bug than others, so for those players we understand that this could make Brann feel significantly weaker than he has been, especially in the highest tier delves.

We’ve also seen feedback that “unbugged”, Brann felt much less impactful than we’d hoped. Therefore, along with the bugfix, we’ve hotfixed Brann to increase his health and damage by 125% across all tiers.

We will continue to monitor feedback and results, and we will make further adjustments as needed.

Thank you for your understanding and feedback!

Yup, they nerfed Brann as he was overperforming for his level when used as a Tank. People should not be facerolling Tier8 Delves with a weak gear.

Your not utilizing Brann’s traps and expect to beat high tier Delves.

They corrected him. It’s not a bug, it’s now a feature i guess.

It means if your gear is weak, Brann would be weak too. A level 550 healer using Brann as Tank wont be able to beat ilevel 603 Delve like before.

This is referring to when you use Brann as DPS. I felt his weakness so bad. Thats when i turned him into a healer. But the bug was fixed, maybe i could put Brann back to DPS again.

It sounds like they reduced Brann’s damage a lot, but there was nobody left in development that knew that reduced damage would mean reduced threat. So even as a healer I’m getting aggro…

As DPS I just keep Brann as a healer, it’s surprisingly nice since, as a BM Hunter, all of my heals are on 2 minute minimum cooldowns, 1.5 if I can really pump some focus to get exhil back up.

If you’re doing more damage than Brann is, the simplest solution is to just have him heal you and do the damage yourself, because healing in the worst spots where you’re going to 20% health is the one thing he specializes in at this point.

And this :point_down:

Is why machines and AI will not be stealing all of our jobs for at least a few thousand more development years despite what people think.

Brann cost me a zekvir kill last night. I had him on heals because obviously normal hits on 8s are doing 600-1.6m damage with classes with very little self healing it’s kinda of a must…

And he got aggro from healing and he decided to run away from me… I couldnt take the boss off him and guess what happened? he ended up aggro’d another elite that was patrolling around… he died so far away and now I had zekvir AND an extra elite that I didnt pull…

Delves are still in beta phase… it’s insane.


I’ve had the same issue (pevoker). I did run one last night where he seemed better but its also the first time I’ve run this specific delve so I dunno. Either way the healing threat is REALLY high regardless. For me I’d body pull something, hit it with a very weak spell and then Brann would start hitting it. I’d let him get it down a bit, then start. Even then I’d pull aggro eventually.

They really just need to add a tank mode for brann for healers.

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Don’t do delves as a healer, switch to your dps spec and ask Bran to heal instead and if you can tank go tank and ask Bran to dps

The easy solution is to give Brann a BM version, where he can use his pet to tank.


I agree with this, healer brann is pretty goos now but yes dps brann numbers are still kinda low so fights drag longer and he loses aggro. I wish he could have his T rex pet with him all the time so pet could tank.

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Was in a Delve the other night where Brann literally was laying on the ground with his hands behind his head while I was fighting trash. I’m like…

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I do not consider Brann leaning up against a wall like a complete boss as nothing.

And still I just stare at people while doing the same spastic idle animations over and over again like some freaky insect person. Can we please get some updated player emotes and animations? That’s the sort of thing I MIGHT actually be thrilled about in a new expansion, literally anything any other MMORPG has done since the mid 2000’s.

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I want to smoke a pipe while idle. Maybe ash it on a gnome from time to time and be all like, “oops”

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That is why you try to clear mobs near a boss BEFORE you pull the boss if it is feasible to do so. That goes double if you have an NPC with you, or if you’re otherwise on a good old fashioned escort quest. You never know what can potentially go wrong, and all it takes is the NPC getting feared into a pack of mobs, the mobs somehow getting into the aggro range of the NPC, or the NPC firing off an AoE damage skill too close to the mobs.

Always treat an NPC like they are a brand new player and assume that ALL the common new player mistakes are on the table. Hell, based on what I’ve read and experienced myself, I honestly think half the problem in delves are Mythic brain and the “GO GO GO!” mentality taking over. Never assume a pack can be “skipped” unless they are in a remote corner of a room and away from objectives. Even then, assume they are always a potential issue until you are straight up out of said room. If said mobs are visible from where a boss encounter will take place, then said mobs are ALWAYS to be treated like a threat.

Delves seem to be very much designed to force you to use your full toolkit, not chain pull an entire room, and actually use crowd control, line of sight, 40 yard range, etc.

These all things that folks have largely forgotten about since late Wrath/early Cata IMO.