Brann can't tank in delves

Tried healing with Brann as a tank and he couldn’t hold aggro for anything. I was so discouraged that I left the bountiful delve a few minutes in. Why doesn’t he taunt like follower dungeon tanks?

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Just curious - what level do you have Brann at? I’m only asking because he pretty much sucks at all roles when he is lower level.

Just came to the forum to check on this, lol.

I tried him as tank with my warlock. He was getting trucked, which was reasonable I thought. Don’t want DPS having an invulnerable threat totem. I didn’t notice his aggro because Demo locks already have tanks.

But then I tried him as tank on my healer, and dear lord he is worthless. It almost feels like he generates 0 threat. I tried everything I could and nothing. He refuses to attack anything you haven’t attacked at all, so I couldn’t get him to take aggro from literal 0 threat on my part, but even with just doing one spell to get into combat, so he would fight, he still couldn’t pull threat from me. Then on top of that his damage is bad.

I wasn’t expecting healers to become delve powerfarmers, but he genuinely feels bugged. His gun doesn’t even show in his hands. Being a healer with Brann specced as tank should be like he holds threat cleanly, takes damage such that you need to heal him to keep him up, but also does decent enough damage so that the healer has a like 60/40 healing-to-damage experience, while having reasonable clear speed. If balanced appropriately it should probably be the safest arrangement at the cost of speed. Currently, as I said, he feels straight bugged.

My Brann is 60 for context.

IDK if they fixed this but I did a couple T11’s today on my Resto Druid (ilvl 622) with Tank Brann (lvl 60) and he’s a threat machine and nearly unkillable. He trivializes delves for me. I’m sure part of this is the nerf to T11’s, as doing it with him as DPS is also pretty easy, and they used to be quite challenging before. But I didn’t have any threat issues.

I ran Brann today as an arcane mage, 630 and Brann at 60. There needs to be some mechanic that instructs Brann to attack as I had to initiate every battle. Fortunately, I started with a slow so Brann had time to get there before I got full on agro. I only ran an 8 (usually solo 10s). Brann could barely hold agro but worse, he could not survive the damage and died. Even with all my CDs I could not finish the battle. My next attempt I let every CD cool down as as soon as Brann was attacking I hit all of them to nuke him down. Brann lost control of him but I had saved mirror images and was able to finish him off when he regained agro. This was just an eight, makes me fearful of higher ranking delves.

Brann is pretty clearly meant for Healers to play with.

This is about as explicit as you can hope for (from the patch notes):

Brann now specializes in an additional role: Tank

  • Developers’ notes: We’re aiming to make healing a more viable and engaging option for soloing Delves.

No matter what, they still need Brann to set out food for himself at any rest he gets if his HP is lower than 95%. he was sitting around 60% HP on the last boss in a Fungal Folly 8, and would do nothing to heal himself. He died and I had to finish it. I mean, Frost Magi have no heals, and he’s not doing anything until he dies. Other than the last boss in the delve, he did fine for the most part. Any DPS with a spot heal will trivialize the entire run.

Spotted the problem.

The devs explicitly intended tank-o-Brann for healers. The design is clearly not aligned with non-healing DPS using him that way.

I’ve been running tank Brann and this is one thing I would throw a HUGE thank you to the devs for. Running heal spec with a tank Brann has been the most fun I’ve had in delves for a while.

For folks having issues with Brann make sure his abilities aren’t grey’ed out. I’ve heard a few people having issues with Brann and needing to log out/back in to fix him. And not just with tank spec, heal spec Brann not throwing pots, etc. as well.