Repeat after me: “My experience is not reflective of every other class and spec.”
Except there are players of your class and spec that are doing it.
Yeah, I have. I’m not complaining about my class, champ.
Other people exist in this game.
Sorry, I went to bed haha. When I get home from work I’ll look at the logs and post.
Content requires skill. Please consider lowering the difficulty if you want something easier.
The very reason that content becomes harder is to exclude people, so someone else cannot do it.
So “An end game for everyone!”(title of a video on the WoW YT page) was a bait and switch, yet you’ll still go to bat for this.
Everyone can partake in delves. That’s why there are multiple dificulties… like… 13 variants (probably more to be added later on.)
And how many have you done?
Didn’t try 11 yet, and didn’t kill ? (best at 34%)
So you need to get good.
Never claimed that I didn’t.
I’m not out here demanding that Blizzard nerf things.
Yet you can’t understand that other classes have alternative toolkits and experience the game differently.
Pull your head out of the sand.
Probably in a group when they were super easy, if you’re even being honest, which I very much doubt.
I understand other classes have people completing content that others are claiming to be impossible.
Some are complaining as low as tier 4.
It would be nice if you folks actually PLAYED the game like before instead of looking at excell spreadsheets…
Ok…now what else did you break in order to implement this “Hotfix?”
Blah, Blah…Fun-suck, Blah.
So you created a “Hotfix” that undoes your “Hotfix”? (Refer to quote number two response please.)
Blizzard Excec: Because we do not like this game and we will not be playing it, but still require you to give us all your money, while we “Hotfix” your game…actually it’s our game that you rent, so you have no rights to it at all…have a good day.
Before all you blow hard Blizzard supporters and fan club kids get your undies in a wad, relax, it is meant to be somewhat funny and a way to waste the maintenace time down…because this game is 20 years old and just not that important. lol
Oh yeah, bring on the hyperbole.
Really helps you nail home your point.
I think it’s complete BS that mobs won’t target Brann with spells like Necrotic Bolt and Web Blast… They only target the player and they get chain casted.
Nah, solo for 9 and 10.
My eights have been both.
Oh, I’m sure some raid or die max kitted Balance druid is face rolling everything. When bleeding edge, raid or die, maxxed out ilvl schmucks start talking like that, it’s time to yawn and look for adult conversation.
Go try all with different classes and specs. Certain ones are nearly impossible. Not to mention them changing difficulty nearly daily and you never know if brann is gonna be in the mood to help.