Brann Bronzebeard -- The Quintessential Hunter

Can we PLEASE do something about Brann dropping volley directly on top of trapped mobs? It can be funny or mildy annoying in a tier 8 or under, but it’s catastrophic when he does it in a 10+. Can we get a curio that says, “Brann will stand next to you and throw potions without ruining pulls with multi-shot, explosive shot, or volley.”?

Also, the monkey is stupid and I hate it. Thing spawns on the player, not the mob, and if you’re a ranged hunter who’s even moderately competent, you’re 20-40 yards away from your target MOST of the time. That means when the monkey procs, it just bounces around harmlessly like an idiot doing absolutely nothing except making you want to punch it into last week so at least it would stop making noise.

Do the developers not play ranged classes? Hire me as a remote intern. I’ll test your nonsense for free… in exchange for a Teldrassil Hippogryph that I can ride regardless of faction.

Thanks for your time.