Brann Bronzebeard Gets in the way!

Is it just me or does Brann Bronzebeard constantly get in front of you blocking things you want to click on? I wish he would stay behind me I seem to be continually maneuvering around him so I can gain access to items!


No surprise. He’s Azeroth’s prime artifact junkie. Always looking for his next hit/find.


I want to punch him and yell “MOVE YOU IDIOT!”.


I am going to start calling him Brann Getthehelloutofmywaybeard.


It also seems like a lot of objects have single pixel hit boxes.


That’s all he does now that they just “fixed” him in a hotfix and he does no damage anymore on-top of his garbage healing.

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god I hate him getting in the way of things I’m trying to click on. Sometimes I just want to kill him.

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I just want him to stop dying all the time, hes my dmg source but wants to stand in ALL the bad, and ofc as blood i cant really heal him xD

Are you using Rage-Filled Idol?


I’ve been reporting this issue of Brann getting in the way of clickable items as a bug almost every week since I started farming delves. Still no fix… :expressionless:

He’s like a dog dog that likes to jump on your lap and blocks your vision in an attempt to start licking your face every time you sit down to watch a good movie or show.

Or disable him while you pull the entire instance as a tank spec because you don’t need his “assistance” :joy:

Him, the dinosaur and that stupid monkey.

I want his stupid monkey to be a boss in a later delve so I can kill it. Over. And over. And over.

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He needs a pet bar so we have control over where he goes and when we want his help. That would make him a lot more useful to me.

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Definitely not you