I haven’t played much since cataclysm because it’s too expensive and the gameplay is boring a little now and I think the game is out-dated. I think they should make a whole new game, especially as the game is 14 years old or so. I have an idea too.
Still have horde and alliance, but in the expansion after shadowlands have the undead and old gods remake the world. That would lead into the brand new game which would have the vast majority of the world controlled by enemy forces, whole regions where you would fight similar to outlands. Then, as that game releases expansions you could have the horde and alliance conquer regions from the enemies or even each other, though each other would require more in development. This way you don’t have to add whole new areas of islands and crap on the map that were never there before. I am just a casual and play for the story, which is why I prefer FFXIV, but I think a game like this would make great for expansions and make more sense. The enemies could be bad elves, goblins, undead, old gods, bad orcs etc.
another idea:
start off with only four races playable per faction, and have the player unlock others as they quest and level.
wow really is boring for me even though I love azeroth. it’s better than FFXIV’s eorzea.