Brand new to Rogue PvP: how to deal with "bleeds"?

Hello yellow boys!

I’m test-driving a Korrak’s Revenge-leveled/throwaway Rogue alt tonight, just doing some bgs.

The question I have is, what’s the play if I get a “bleed” on me?

The “ticks” from the bleed break my stealth, so I find it’s hard to escape or “reset” from a bg teamfight. Also, bleeds don’t get removed by cloak, so that’s not a solution either.

If I pop Vanish I still have the bleed on me (usually from some rando Warrior or enemy Rogue), and of course my stealth breaks one or two bleed ticks later. Then it’s gg and I die.

Am I just screwed if I get a bleed on me?

Run, or hope your team has a healer. You shouldn’t be in the middle of the big skirmishes to begin with anyway.

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  • Go dwarf
  • Play with friends, a healer
  • Know when to go in and/or out fights

I use Vanish offensively with my rogue, assassination subterfuge.


Uhh. Just go first aid. They have bandages that remove bleeds. Also might want to go engineering for rocket boots and goblin gliders.

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In general when you open on someone in a group pvp scenario you are going to fight til the death. Unless you are allowed to sprint off and restealth chances are you are going in to do as much dmg and be as diaruptive as you can until you are at the gy ready to go again

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In a team fight? It’s not really a concern. You can quickly vanish and garrote/CS targets before the bleed tick has a chance to break your stealth bonus. Aside from that, you’re there to spread your dots and prioritize a couple targets to lock down and burst on. You’re not going to last long in a facetank scenario against a group. Hit and run.
As for escaping and resetting, you should know your escapes before you engage the fight. Know where your LoS is and where you can run to get out of trouble.

  • Shadowstep a friendly target to get out of the melee train.
  • Sprint away while flinging a dagger at your chaser to keep him slowed until you can LoS.
  • Bait offensive trinks with a Kidney - they trink it and you Blind so you can restealth and sap them. Or they dont trink it and you restealth/sap anyway.
  • Smokebomb can stop gap closers like charge, death grip, etc.
  • Even with a bleed on you, you can quickly restealth > shadowstep > open on target before the bleed breaks you out.

But that said, rogues are typically better suited to other roles outside of team fighting.