Hello there, I’m known in-game as Anubis! I’ve had very slight experiences with WoW because I’ve been PC gaming for 10+ years but I never really wanted to dedicate or felt comfortable enough to. Life has now brought me to a stay-at-home dad, I have a lot of spare time, and WoW just keeps looking more and more appealing to me. I’ve been researching non-stop for the past 2 days, finding what information I could and leading me to create an account on Cenarius. To be honest, my main fear is that I can’t find friends or mentors to play with and I’m running around absolutely clueless. Of course I’ve been gaming for awhile, I know the basics. I’m very good with hotkeys, combat is pretty easy (thus far,) I’m getting tons of quests done and levelling up gear but to be honest I don’t know what else I need to be doing or should be doing. I guess some questions would be: How easy/hard can it be to find a guild or friends for a new player? Is there any advice you can offer towards beginning gameplay? What am I aiming for? I’m ultimately aiming for a social, pve experience. I’m pretty good at PvP, but it doesn’t make me good LOL. Thanks for reading, any help is appreciated!
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