<Bramble> H-PVE one-night-a-week Tryhard Raiding Tues 9-12 EST

<Bramble> | Horde | PvE | NA | Mankirk | Tue 9pm - Midnight EST | 1-night-a-week Tryhard Raiding Guild

Our Focus
Provide a fun friendly home to players who want to raid and progress, but on a reasonable schedule. We are looking for 50-60 guildies to commit to raid 1 night each week, Tuesday at 9pm Eastern.

1-night-a-week Tryhard
Quite frankly, committing to 2-3 nights a week just to keep a raid spot is not reasonable for most adults. Even if your situation allows it, it isn’t sustainable. We hope WoW classic runs for years, we don’t need to compress it all into the first 3-6 months. Raiding 1 night a week, will slow us down compared to hardcore guilds, but quite frankly we think most of the semi-hardcore and casual guilds have unrealistic expectations of their members over the long term. If you want to raid another night, we also intend to raid on Sundays, most likely doing 20-mans once ZG releases. However, attendance at this raid is optional and not tracked.

Having only one “mandatory” raiding night does not mean we are a casual guild. We expect our raiders to show up prepared.

About Guild Leadership
All of us played and raided in vanilla. We are all fully functioning adults with jobs and families. We want a guild that will commit to clearing content and progressing, but would fit an adult’s schedule and not cause burnout. We commit to provide our members the best possible, drama-light guild experience that we can.

Vanilla WoW raids weren’t hard because the boss mechanics were challenging. They were hard because you had to herd 40 people (many of which were elitist gamers) into one spot and get them all to follow one plan. Then week after week, you had to keep them all happy and moving forward. That is the real challenge for a classic wow guild. Our guild leadership all has extensive experience in leading people. Many of us are ex/current Military Officers. None of us are elitist WoW know-it-alls, that will tell you how to push the buttons.

What we expect out of you

  • Commit to our raid schedule (its relatively light).
  • Show up on time, which means early (ready to pull at 9)
  • Be prepared
  • Be open minded (officers and GM included)
  • Classic newbs welcome

What does that mean?

  • We’ll have Tuesday nights blocked off to raid. If we have to travel for work, are away on vacation, or its our anniversary… the guild will understand, as a fully functioning adult we’ll notify the leadership and not abuse it’s trust.

  • If we’re working on a particular raid encounter we’ll watch the strat videos for it, and have the most time/gold effective consumables ready to go.

  • We’ll treat everyone with respect, approach concerns in a constructive manner, and be open minded to our own improvement.

  • Any behavior that undermines the ability of 40 people to get along and work together will be addressed politely and quickly, but not tolerated.

  • If you’ve never played vanilla it can be a bit daunting, but it’s well paced, and the veterans love teaching new players, it makes us feel important. PVE servers are super forgiving for newer players as well.


  • Launch to 12 weeks - Leveling & BiS (6 days /played to 60, thats 12 hours played each week)

  • 90 days+ MC pwnage

  • We’ll figure it out from there

More info:

  • DKP or something similar (to minimize drama)

  • Fun/Alt/Farm raids on Sunday evenings (100% optional), plan will be put out that Tuesday

  • Before we are able to raid, Tues & Sun will be guild nights, where we hope you can make it on to do something with your guildies. The social aspect of WoW is so important for a guild, it can’t be understated.

  • See our Guild Manifesto for more info in our discord.

  • We’ll do all the fun stuff in WoW, not just raiding.

Still taking all classes, recruitment started 8/14, but is going remarkably well

Message me on discord @yumili#7017 and we’ll chat

Bump to the top!

Recruiting has gone very well, 1-night-a-week tryhard raiding has been very popular. Priests, warriors and hunters are filling fast, but still looking for everything

Back to the top. Come join us!

Come on over to Bramble!

Warriors and priests are filling fast, but still technically open for all positions except tanks.

Still looking for all classes, full on tanks

Still looking for all classes, guild meeting on Sunday at 9pm EST.

hello. my name is weemoo… i joined a small streamer community 3 weeks b4 launch thinking i will have help alll the time and people to quest with and it has been the OPPOSITE. if you can help me with this issue i would be forever grateful as this is my first time playing WoW. i have playedMMORPGs for years so im just struggling with the WoW information. Please hear my cry for help, for no one else will. right now i just arrived in thousand needles asking for help in general and being ignored. just looking for some nice people to play with. Thanks for listening. the best way to get in contact with me is in game- IGN: weemoo… or my blizzard name Chexyy#1573