Brains breaking. Void elf warlock? how?

Please help. brains breaking and i cant really get past a stump.

to sum up my characters current situation, shes a mage named cilendra moonweaver. shes hiding the fact that shes a warlock by the guise of being a mage which she once was before turning void elf…
the problem is this. how did she get in touch with the void? and then ontop of that… how did she get into the fel demon summoning?

my current idea behind getting in touch with the void is a crystal she bought at a market. kinda like valera sanguine rogue lady buying that dagger and relapsing on fel.
in this state of fixation, she implants the crystal into her forehead acting as a third eye/voideye

Void Elves are just an offshoot of High Elves/Blood Elves. Same thing applies to Night Elves in regards to fel. People forget that the Kaldorei were the prime magic users on Azeroth before the sundering. I’ll bet you dollars to donuts that they messed around with fel as well. Azshara did.


Recalling the origins of the Void Elves, they were/are essentially scholars of the Void who survived an interrupted attempt at being turned into full beings of the Void. As this is the default lore for Void Elves, it should be more than adequate for explaining how Cilendra became one. If you prefer your current working idea, that may also be adequate, albeit much more speculative.

The default origins of Void Elves can also work with the idea of your character becoming a Warlock for scholarly reasons; wanting to learn more about Demons and Fel magic, for whatever reason. If she is interested in one form of dark magic, there is a chance she might form a similar interest in another. Besides scholarship, a sheer thirst for power is also a rather common motive for such pursuits. The minute reasons behind these motives I feel are fairly flexible as well, given enough consideration.


One of my favorite things to say IC and OOC? More or less? “I’m sorry, are you…surprised that we were messing around with potentially dangerous magic and it blew up in our faces? What…you know what we are, right? At least we didn’t blow up the world, this time.”

But! To the initial question?

A few ways come to mind. First of all, there’s nothing at all wrong with yours. Picking something up at a market is a time honored narrative device. Especially a traveling market. You pick up some necklace that you think is cute, put it on, and there’s void energy in the crystal. Bingo bango, just like that, your friends will abandon you.

One of the fun things to work with regarding void magic and influence is that it can be subtle. It’s not necessarily ‘Grr, go kill everyone’, it’s “…you know that person you met when you were studying magic who you were told got into fel magic? Is that really so bad? Demon hunters and warlocks used it to help save the world. Maybe you should see for yourself, and not just listen to your so-called ‘instructors’. They were probably just jealous because you learned faster than they did. You’re smart and grounded enough to handle it. What do you have to lose? It’s just a conversation, after all. And you know you’re too smart to be tricked, right?”

And then bingo-bango, ‘what’s so bad about summoning one little imp? Same as a familiar, right?’

Things like that.

Alternatively, the arcane-fel pipleline is pretty well known. Summon a voidwalker to protect you from a bunch of overzealous people upset about you using ‘bad magic’, and then look into what the void is about. It’s just a book, right?

Research, by the way, is probably one of the easiest ways, if you don’t like those options. Very easy to end up going way farther than you thought you would. It’s why libraries are known as the happening place to be, because it’s so easy to lead to power.