Braindead PvP Changes

I got opened up by a rogue who did 500 dps to me in shadowform spamming mut and my VP now TICKS for 150 LOOOOOL ??? Okay rerolling a rogue then. Cringe braindead devs.


Lol, okay priest.


Have you logged in since the pvp changes ? its literally unplayable now LOL

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You know what will fix it? Giving Blizzard $15+ a month for a 2004 rehash

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500 dps means at least 5 globals of 500 per hit, which means 5 secs which means you died on a kidney shot. yup, rogues did that before the pvp aura

Just use a restoration pot
-every shadow priest for the last 3 weeks



Na, its okay. I’ll just roll a rogue on ally instead. Thanks it was fun playing a priest for 2 weeks.

If your going to be a chronic fotm reroll chaser you probably wont get much sympathy around here lol


What is the alternative then? VP ticks for 158 and SWP ticks for 218 now. A rogue in rank 7 gear has 3.5k-3.8k hp doing 500 dps like a monkey spamming mut. Oh alternative is raid log and “play a different game” ?

Oh no, you can’t kill people with 2 instant cast dots anymore! Oh no!

First thing id do is take a deep breathe. They are testing it for a few days, while i dont agree with testing on a live server, testing generally means numbers are gonna change. Things are gonna be broken.

Like bro breathe its been out for 30mins lol

my guess the pvp aura is bugged and melee’s are doing full damage while caster/ranged are doing the correct damage to certain combos depending on faction. Havent tested it myself, but people are reporting some issues with it, like ranged allies doing full damage to melees but not to ranged/casters horde and viceversa

Its probably the Nuance they talked about. Sounds good to me.

VP ticks for 150 at 36 yards.
Muta doesn’t do anything at 36 yards.

This was on the house, no charge.

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Maybe ? I’m hoping this is the case. I am only triggered because my alt is getting omega camped in incursions and I got on my SP just to bodyguard her and now I am doing 1/10th of the damage I used to do. I never said SPs were dog in pvp before but can I actually have chance to kill someone ?

like i said, i havent tested this myself. i will once i get home in duels in durotar and ask the CS discord for allies to test it out.

Not sure what the logic is here.

Rogues are just casually standing still, out of stealth, for you ?? and not shadowstepping and opening ?

Weird one.

damn someone playing a Shadow Priest in SODs first reaction to anything is “im gonna reroll to the new most broken class”.

I’m totally surprised. This is my surprise face :open_mouth:


And you have a trinket and a fearbomb into dotting them into oblivion. (from range)
Before clouding up and waiting for them to die.

??? Please don’t make suggestions when everything you say is room temp iq.
You trinket kidney = blind.
You trinket fear = they trinket vanish CS and you are auto forced to disperse.

Like stop replying please.