Braind Dead Damage Debuff

For classes that have to sacrifice very much needed damage via runes to recoup mana and pickup interrupts - it’s the most moronic change in the history of WoW.

The classes that already have spell interrupts in their spellbook don’t suffer as dramatically as other classes and drastically counter anything that sacrifices damage, that used to be there for interrupts.

Ret Pallies rune selection comes down to whether you want to have an interrupt, regen mana or what used to do damage… little hard to pvp when you compare to classes that do not have to sacrifice resources simply to exist.

Warsongs have become a meme with bears and shamans using FAP’s.

i agree w you tbh, its obviously not a good pvp scene rn but imo its better than what we had all p2 and beginning of p3. i think if they tune the change a little like i’d say instead of 50% dmg nerf, make it 20-25% which would make healing viable but not useless. but also 20-25% would give classes room to breath example- not dying in cheapshot or having to trinket or die etc.

but rn group pvp is heavily reliant on healers which is also okay its suppose to be like that but id say healing is a little too strong rn but nowhere near p1 strong

It’s more so that blanketing one fix will create a whole mess of other issues, we are not seeing a balance in mana to reciprocate the additional health either.

The additional bump in health requires mana I already didn’t have to heal myself back to full lol

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How much total damage do you mana users get until you run out? :face_with_monocle:

I get infinite damage before I run out myself :sunglasses:

For reference, about 4 Holy Lights with a full mana pool expunges it completely, and heal for about 1k each at max available rank on a ret pally… that’s a problem when I have 5k health in battlegrounds.

We are virtually Rock, Paper, Scissoring (lol Xerxes…) between runes that implement an interrupt, mana retention or damage… and there’s no damage behind a 350dmg Exorcism, or a 400dmg Judgement of Command… if everything in the sky aligned I could crit for 1k on them.