But isn’t that what every anti-boxxer does?
Weak is better than nonexistant like antiboxxer argument
Gaming morals?
Meh, both sides are guilty, best not to join in
Good luck friend!
Multiboxxing isn’t the most effective means of making gold.
No you’re paying with gold
What’s being won?
I pay more for more character slots You should have joined me back in November when I first started crying about 50 character cap and I wouldn’t be a multiboxer Could we increase the 50 character cap limit? - #97 by Kaurmine-area-52 I would suggest joining in that cry now otherwise as time goes on and more people hit 50 characters and want more characters they’ll turn to the only option they have
Prior to multiboxing I was never directly negatively affected
Win what?
When they “pay with real money” does their bank balance move?
The token is not money
Alright, back to wow, I’ll check in on this thread later