Healing Rain is going to do damage outside of Torghast. Hide your mage, hide your rogues, and hide paladins because we’re healing everybody out here.
174 dmg. Not even those rabid murlocs are worried.
How does the rain know?!
Bruh those are gorlocs
hey there’s a parade over here you haven’t rained on, you shoeless buzzkill.
Say what?
“Healing raaaaaaaaain”
- Tay Zonday, Resto Shaman
The Rains in Africa are about to get blessed
- Toto, the Shaman
Which to hurt and which to heal
I wanna knowwww
Have you ever seeeeeeeeen the raaaiiiiiiin
falling down
and burning everything
Leave my test scores out of this
I love that this is turning into a Rain lyrics thread. This community CAN be saved!
Now I, now I know I wish it would rain down, down on me
Ooh yes I wish it would rain, rain down on me now
Ooh girl I wish it would rain, down on me
Ooh yes I wish it would rain on me
Whoa whoa. It’s just healing rain, it’s not bitcoin.
Do we need to hide our warriors too?
I’m (the healer) only happy when it rains
Too soon to tell. But I was following the rhyme scheme of the old Autotune the News video.
Now I can rage at tanks when they pull the mobs out of healing rain. As if playing elemental and having tanks move out of my earthquake wasn’t enough