Boulderfist Horde Reconnections

WOW, great to see so many familiar names!

Zoltaan, the Albino Tauren Warrior, as seen in Pwntatos, Reverie, Infeste Nex, Top Gun, Against all Odds, and more I’m sure. Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Anyone heard from Hopesfall?

Are you talking about Rellik the enh shaman? He’s a friend of mine, think we’re getting him to play again he’s just unsure what to roll.

Group of us PvP’rs from Murderers Inc will be playing and then some

Wow… Yeah I remember you on your hunter to Wuwoot :slight_smile:

Sifter UD Rogue here - Reclamation, Reverie, Team Fusion, Shaman r teh Overpower, Martha Stewart, Aftermath, & Pwntatos

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Undead Warlock named Raukogul
Forsaken and Team Xcalibur Guilds running with Drekken, Nieco, Syncaine, FUNHOOVES AND ALGORAN, , Hellbound, HELLTER and so many others. Our Warlock Cabal - Amatsu, Curunir, Fantomas, Plaguewind, Ominia, and Uleiman.
Hope we can find all you guys. Nieco and I have already connected!
“Get out of the line of sight”.

Looking for people who were in Legion of Hamsandwich

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Legion of Ham Sandwich… The 2nd best guild name on the server after OMG Lobsters.

I remember you Sifter.
I guess we find out the Classic Server list tomorrow.
Hopefully more SRTO guys show up.


Hammar - Tauren Resto Shaman

I was in Team X Calibre but also Infeste Nex and ran in BG groups with Shamans r teh Overpower. Its kinda crazy to see some of the names in this thread that bring back a lot of good memories from classic.

Hit me up on Discord if anyone wants to group up on release.

Pacino! You got a discord?

Yeee S5kj27

I played mainly tauren warrior Gathmogg and Orc rogue Marmadoc, multiple guilds, the untouchables, sometime with shamen r teh overpower, and others, will be rolling a hunter for pvp likely this time or priest

looking for anyone to pvp and eventually raid with, again this was Marmadoc, Gathmogg or Throkk

What’s the 4 digit #? Or just add me @ Nieco#9650, wanna ask you a few questions!

Hey Rhys, not sure if you remember me. My brother and I were in Odor way back when. We were Zaphod (undead warlock), Maluco (tauren druid), Zaluco (orc warrior) and Maphod (troll rogue).

We were also in SRTO for a while (Shaman r teh overpower).

Hoping to find some other old Odor and SRTO folks here as well.

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Hey Azual. Credit here. Resto druid from Team Fusion. I wonder if any other TF peeps are going to play. Snarfshark, Dearleader, Meatballsdwh, Widdawon (sp?)

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My buddy who is playing worked IRL with Hellter, I’ll hit him up and see if he’s coming to classic.

Dude even if he’s not coming to classic, give him my info, I’ve posted it 14 times here so I’ll refrain from doing so again lol.

I was gonna hit him up for Raukogul, but if you knew him too. I’m definitely gonna get you on Discord soon, buncha guys I know are already leaning towards Thalnos EST PVP server. Spread the word!

Hey played since release, Zarx(troll mage) and Darx(Tauren druid). was in the guilds “Thanks I workout” and “Martha Stewart”. feel free to hit me up when classic rolls out

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Hey Jrack! i’m Amaterasü#4338 on discord, and kaida#1343 on