Boulderfist Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Boulderfist (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


Denero (Undead Rogue), Bermuta (Tauren Druid)

Team X Calibre, The Dank Squad

Smoochie & Bashara, Jough, Funhooves, Cashmoney.

My memory really does escape me, i know there are plenty more I cant recall.

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Hi Denero :wink:

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Wow, Nieco! Whatup dude! Whats your plan for Classic? I’m rolling mage this time around with my brother (Mucho - Undead Priest).

Are you gonna rock rogue again and show everyone whats up? Would be cool to have you on the same server.

Hi guys, just hitting up this thread to let people know we found our old crew.
Stonekeep, Ezmoney, Thugaar, Trede and Rocc
We all had tons of different toons but if anyone remembers us they would know those alts for sure. We are however looking for one other fellow, I believe his name was Necro. If anyone knows of him, please send him this way.

Otherwise just wanted to check in and say hi. In the before times i we never really payed attention to time zones and realized we all played on a west coast server and were not in the west coast time zone LOL. So we’ll prolly clear that up this time. :slight_smile:

Yeah I think I’m gonna go orc this time… maybe! UD also sounds great :). That’s awesome both of you are coming back, I’m down to get down! I’m in touch with some of the other guys as well.

(Edit: Add me on discord Nieco#9650)

Nieco - UD Rogue, Vaza - UD Priest

Team X / Forsaken

Funhooves, Algoran, Smoochie, Bishara, Bade, Gavell, Leathaface, Maaaakkoooonnnseee! (Healu), TheMaster, Allerion, Gorthaur, Lachdaene, Xylen, Steak, Gorry, Hellbound.

The list continues on… If you recognize my name give me a shout on discord @ Nieco#9650


PitfireX Undead Rogue, Also probably met more people as Letzdothis BE pally once BC came out.

I played a Troll Mage Vafhudr back in the day if anyone remembers me

I played a Troll Mage Vafhudr back in the day if anyone remembers me

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Im looking for an undead warlock named Noodles! I’d love to say thank you for giving me free enchants!! I never forgot you!!


Stael - Undead rogue, had a few pvp videos from back in the day.

Guild was I believe Infeste Nex.

I don’t remember many of the guildies names, though I’d remember if I heard them I’m sure.

Also looking for a gnome rogue named Montolo that I used to mess around and have fun PvPing with.

Discord - Kontract#7155


Noodles spam in trade chat is one of the things I remember most about Vanilla!

I played an Undead Priest named Lorthalas and raided with Ethereal for a good time. Then an Undead Rogue named Rhaith and raided with The Ownage Factory. Would love to reconnect with anyone who remembers me! :slight_smile:

Discord: Ridikyool#5021


I played a Troll Mage named Feldoah (same one I have now :slight_smile:) I was primarily in a guild called HEL. We only ever got through MC.

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Orc Warrior named Maxpain. Bounced around in guilds, but raided with, I think ‘From Ashes’. Curious what happened to that Gnome Rogue Montolo who always ganked Horde MC raids.

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Can’t really remember the guilds I was a part of but Undead Priest named Lucidia here.

Damn, reading all these names hit me like a truck. It’s good to see you’re still around. I’ll have to hit you on discord sometime.

I was such a noob back in the day but Team X got me all the way through MC / BWL. I even got into off tanking for progression into BWL.

Tauren - MS Warrior.

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Had an Undead Warlock named Azalin. Also remember Noodles enchants lol.

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Kraitose whatup! Hit me up for sure.

Edit: Noob!

oh damn I remember Nieco, just heard about this forum today.
used to play a human mage named Beros in Guards of Honor / Ashes just popping in to say hi to my horde brothers.