Boulderfist Horde Reconnections


I was looking all over for a Flawless Victory post until I saw yours! I was Mauser (Orc Warrior) and best friends with Hannieball (UD Rogue) and Hooffury (Tauren Hunter). I was main tank before Groovy until I was hacked one weekend while I was on vacation and came back as a DPS warrior.

I totally remember you and was thinking about Rage just the other day. I also never forgot the names Tad and Calcites.

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I plan on playing horde on Herod or Stalagg. though likely Stalagg at this point.

Add me Cheyne! Watsonator#1545 on bnet or Watsonator in Wow Classic, Herod, or Stalagg discords.

Sent you a discord friend request homie

Cheyne!!! OMFG I remember you from FV

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Mauser! OMG man how are you?!

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FV look at this potato but has a list of names at the end!

Since we are posting potatoes…heres one from Ethereal

Courtesy of @Arukard

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i know sweetblue, i am/was lesclaypool troll warrior. played with darklokie orc shaman, swifty orc rogue, and shwack UD mage

Man I wish I could change my name back to Mauser for this thread haha.

Meanboy that video OMG THE MEMORIES! I knew we totally destroyed Rag, I will always remember being at a LAN with Hooffury and Hannieball (both of which are still my best friends) when we downed him and I spent all of my DKP on Bone Reaver’s Edge, great times. SO MANY NAMES I REMEMBER.

My memory is pretty horrible sometimes but I do remember a lot of random esoteric stuff, I tried talking about some of this to Hooffury and Hannieball and they didnt’t even remember the guild name or the server we played on… haha.

Where is my Canadian Ghost Poo homie Kajind at!

I never played on Boulderfist, but I’m looking for someone who transferred there from Anetheron shortly before BC. I played Lomius as an UD Warlock on Anetheron and if Paharada is out there I’d love to reconnect. If you’re out there, give me a shout.

Hey old friend, this is Naj.
I played the undead priest in SRTO then Martha.
I was the first HighWarlord priest on Boulderfist…
Good times bud…


Yeah man I loved it. I stayed in contact with Mcig for BC. Then nothing haha.

I leveled up with you!!

I played a hunter back then named Aspron.

Hey Rob! Jay Jay here. My older cousin was in your guild, kyle,dreadknott-lvl 60 warlock. (maybe im getting his butchered) I played a hunter by the name of killerrshot and all kinds of alts. I reamember him playing/talking with you a decade ago. Hope all is well. Im not sure if he will be playing classic i havnt talked to him much outside of facebook. But if you need any extra members i would love to participate. if its only original guild members strictly i also understand.Great to see your post man, growing up i always talked about the glory of shamans r teh overpower.

/wave friends

Gankstuh - Undead Rogue
DNME - Orc Warrior
Devol - BE Shadow priest

Ascension, Ethereal, ORLY :slight_smile:

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Come talk to us on discord - Xec#7095

Mauser man, good to hear from you!

I remember Tad and Calcites as well, haven’t heard from them in years though.

Which classic server are you rolling on?

So far I got my name saved on Herod.

Man I love this stupid video. “James brown is dead…”
