I was looking all over for a Flawless Victory post until I saw yours! I was Mauser (Orc Warrior) and best friends with Hannieball (UD Rogue) and Hooffury (Tauren Hunter). I was main tank before Groovy until I was hacked one weekend while I was on vacation and came back as a DPS warrior.
I totally remember you and was thinking about Rage just the other day. I also never forgot the names Tad and Calcites.
Man I wish I could change my name back to Mauser for this thread haha.
Meanboy that video OMG THE MEMORIES! I knew we totally destroyed Rag, I will always remember being at a LAN with Hooffury and Hannieball (both of which are still my best friends) when we downed him and I spent all of my DKP on Bone Reaver’s Edge, great times. SO MANY NAMES I REMEMBER.
My memory is pretty horrible sometimes but I do remember a lot of random esoteric stuff, I tried talking about some of this to Hooffury and Hannieball and they didnt’t even remember the guild name or the server we played on… haha.
I never played on Boulderfist, but I’m looking for someone who transferred there from Anetheron shortly before BC. I played Lomius as an UD Warlock on Anetheron and if Paharada is out there I’d love to reconnect. If you’re out there, give me a shout.
Hey old friend, this is Naj.
I played the undead priest in SRTO then Martha.
I was the first HighWarlord priest on Boulderfist…
Good times bud…
Hey Rob! Jay Jay here. My older cousin was in your guild, kyle,dreadknott-lvl 60 warlock. (maybe im getting his butchered) I played a hunter by the name of killerrshot and all kinds of alts. I reamember him playing/talking with you a decade ago. Hope all is well. Im not sure if he will be playing classic i havnt talked to him much outside of facebook. But if you need any extra members i would love to participate. if its only original guild members strictly i also understand.Great to see your post man, growing up i always talked about the glory of shamans r teh overpower.