Bought the wrong item

As if these vendors weren’t hard enough to find, they’re gear isn’t even sorted by type!

I thought there was just 1 pair of shoulders, but nope there’s two and I bought the wrong ones…

Just another reason to bring back templates

You’ll have enough honor for another pair in literally one epic bg. I think you’ll be okay.

Moreover, maybe you should check the vendor more thoroughly before not just buying but also equipping the item.

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Or they could just bring back templates which was the best thing for this game ever

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:
got a feeling vendors are about to go POOF once more.

I hope so!

This xpac is so confusing between not being able to use flying mounts and vendors being hidden and needing a phD to find…

:flushed: :flushed: :flushed:

tell me you didnt get lost while trying to find the pvp vendors. the devs will waste no time in deleting those vendors if more players start buying the wrong items and or getting lost to said vendors.