Bottom left side of the class tree is useless for Enhancement

It’s equally cringe. However this is effectively you posting the same topic (SWG and NS not being useful for Enhance) for the 4th time a using a different character. The only difference is that you’re not talking about Burrow or Shamanism. So its super cringe spamming effectively the same thread across multiple toons. And the response has been largely the same: Shut up and enjoy the 2 class tree points you don’t have to hard lock.

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It is not equally cringe its not even close to the same thing but I’m not going over this again. Its funny how its all ele players upset about this though, pretty clear why thats the case. I use the same 2 chars, nothing different, and I have not made a single thread about SWG/NS that I can remember, maybe I made 1 other a while ago but I can’t find it so idk if I did or not.

So heres the deal, you are more than welcome not to comment on it, you can sit back and shut up and enjoy your ele changes or whatever. This forum is to provide feedback to the devs, if you don’t like the posts being made I could not care less. Do we need 20 topics about prim wave being made? because I dont see you complaining about that. Some of those are made by alts, might want to go police that too!

This is response is cringe

cant find who asked

Nah, I like that the ‘caster-centric’ section results in having a few points on Enhance that I can move around freely and put into things that are nice, if not necessary. I’ll take that freedom over the tightness of (for example) the Warrior tree where there are several talents I really want, but can’t get without dropping throughput.

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