Botting... will it be a problem in HC & SoM2?

Yes… with the release of Hardcore on the 24th & Season of Mastery2 in the future… Blizzard has one last chance to keep my subscription. If I see or hear about bots on the new servers… im gone. They accepted 20 years of botting… & not fixing it just proves they don’t care about the community. Maybe Microsoft will treat the community better? DOUBTFUL.

Diablo 4 has been a failure… only option is uninstalling

Time to find a new hobby I guess :smiley:


of course there will be bots
and lots of RMT
and you will be happy :expressionless:


I mentioned this to my friend that codes bots, that bots “can’t do HC.” He showed me the bot they have been working on that calculates what it will aggro, and only makes extremely safe pulls. tldr they already have working HC bots. There’s a lot of money on the line, it’s pretty much a real job for them.

Ideally the game would be better without bots and I don’t like bots.


Until they develop serious tools to deal with bots there will always be bots.


Do you even hear yourself speak? It’s been a problem for the past 20 years, yet you think they will just wave a magic wand and fix it as if they had the solution this entire time? Maybe the issue is more complicated than you think?

For hardcore? The average death level for hardcore players is 13 (very hardcore). What are they going to do…buy 5 gold at level 1 for some bags then keyboard turn, backpedal and die to hogger at 13 while trying to click their healing potion?

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It’s not only bots, it’s players farming in third world countries and selling gold. Definitely going to be lots of this in HC.

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I mean you think they really care when they let the game that made them who they even are today is getting treated like this?

At least 1 content creator cares.

The rest just waiting for it to die. Didn’t see but Guzu finally did a video 19-20hours ago so not him :slight_smile:

For a 3rd time?

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Bots - bots - bots. This is all you can complain about.
Meanwhile Blizz is changing the game in so many subtle and not so subtle ways.
New UI interface also for Era,
FP and trainer icons in the mini-maps …
Wrong itemizations, wrong graphics, wrong animations.
All the changes that meet us every time we log in or create a character.

I am now putting on my tin-foil hat and proclaim that Blizz leaves the bots in game to keep us from noticing or taking the time to complain about all those “QoL”, modernizations, etc. changes, which is what eventually will ruin the game for Classic lovers.

I’m more inclined to believe they make money off the RMT. Charge the botters rent or sum.

Who care about ui changes and such? The game will be filled with nothing but filth.

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It’s called Warden and it’s been in the game since 2004. They just choose not to use it. The moment a player uses a “locked” function, they should be disconnected. That’s how they did it in 2004-2005, that’s how they should do it now.

I mean it only makes my charging rent thing seem more believable.

Why could they figure it out 19 years ago but seem to not be able to now. Or choose not to rather.

There 0 chance it had to be downgraded that much because of “privacy” reasons.

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It’s not operating as it should though due to legal issues… so it’s essentially worthless.

They need a new system that will pass through the courts that works.

Personally I like captcha.

Require authentication on every single account and if suspected of botting it logs you out and forces verification.

The attention is on the wrong thing. If zero players bought gold and services there wouldn’t be any bots and the problem would go away.

The goal of the people running bots isn’t to make gold in game for themselves it is to sell it to people for real money.

That there are massive trains of bots just tells you that the demand for buying gold is super high and the gold is being purchased cheap.

Not dealing with gold buyers only leads to whack a mole to stop the bots. As long as people are spending cash on these services they will exist


You should check out Runescape Classic bed system.

They found out years ago capcha is useless for bots.

Or if they perma’d gold buyers.

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Exactly what I’m suggesting they need to do. In vanilla there was at least a stigma against gold buyers that damaged their reputation, on my server anyway.


It’s easier for individuals to complain about the cancerous culture they’ve cultivated than to lead by example.

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My not even 3k on Wotlk would like to have a talk.

Def buy gold.