I never wanted to believe it was that bad … until I finally reached the 70-80 bracket and all I see are the SAME bots over and over again running through battlegrounds.
Holy hell, is this really what the game has come to?
I played the EoTS for the past 3 days and I constantly have to ask myself “is this a bot or a real player?” Its so bad. So so bad.
I’m sure you’re trolling, but if not they’re quite obvious.
Names like “jsabdyuxcg” and they perform extremely robotic maneuvers, very sharp turns, inhumanely instant reaction times for kicking spells, usually stacked up with 2-3 other bots doing exactly the same thing.
Yep exactly, I’ve seen the same belf pally running around EoTS. “Unluckyeggs” is the name and he would do all the same actions as all these other bots.
BGs are practically bot-land and the only way to win is if you have less bots.
Idk, I’ve only seen obvious bots in BGs like maybe twice. Once in AV a few months ago during an AV weekend, and another time in AB. Both times they were DK bots.
I’m not saying that that means there aren’t any bots. It’s possible I just don’t notice or have different random luck than some others.
you see them going to a random spot in mid of map and then on a large time frame they only use 1ability and then do nothing, either afk in place after casting that 1spell or run to random direction till someone spot them and kill them “during that they’re usually not attacking their own killer” because they’re most likely very cheap bots.
Expansive/well designed bots would never be spotted by other players.
How are you still active? 10198 troll posts and still active. Ide bet a years salary you have a couple dozen bots running and blizztard outright protects you. Trash.
Talks about trolling and uses a high list count as evidence, while posting on his own throwaway level 12 with a whopping 30 post count most of which are this thread. Troll away my guy.
They tend to follow the same path over and over.
If you watch, you can pick them out pretty easy trying to cap the same flag/tower, and they use the most basic of moves.
Yeap. I ran into a bot BE ret pally in EOTS 2 days ago. I killed that thing 9 times on my very undergeared hunter lol. He would do the same exact thing over and over to the point it was just predictable.