So I have been doing quests in burning crusade just to unlock new races and get achievements and I ran across 8 different druids at El’dranil Shallows.
I actually reported all of them through the in-game reporting system that’s provided to us, yet here we are still watching them run around doing their same automated actions of spamming spells in a the same point to point walking path, loot, mount up on their Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth to sell everything then repeat.
Does Blizzard support this behavior?
report and move on… takes time to get them the banhammer
Time means they gain money, shouldn’t this be a faster process then lets give them a week to farm first?
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In video games, a bot is a type of artificial intelligence that plays a video game in the place of a human.
multiboxing refers to playing as multiple separate characters concurrently by a human
One is against the ToS, the other is not. Report if you feel they are bots and someone should look into your report, if they are bots then as mentioned above action will be taken.
in a perfect world yes. It’s a never ending arms race between botters and blizzard.
they ban them on the regular, but then the botters / boxers rebuild.
They often ban them for something they wouldn’t see coming like “market manipulation” or “in-game extortion” (yes, they use those terms)
Report and move on, yes you have to wait a week for blizzard to get around to it.
Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!
Blizzard has said over and over that multi-boxing is perfectly acceptable in this game. So your “reports” were mistakes.
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Reports don’t automatically ban players, it flag them to be reviewed by Blizzard.
If Blizzard determines they’re bots, they will be added to the ban wave list.
After Blizzard either determines how to add the bot activities to warden, or enough time or accounts are added to the ban list, they do a ban wave.
It could be months, why are you watching them?
Bots - not allowed, report report report
Multboxing - allowed but as it’s a rare playstyle the chance you seeing a multiboxer is slim to none and slim just left the building. The software that allowed multiboxing to be easier has been banned.
report them, everytime i’ve reported bots i get a message saying that person’s been banned.
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Go to war mode get free kills
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Kudopad, the fact that they are using a automated 3rd party program to do farming for them is against their terms of service if I’m not mistaken. Why did you pick out the one thing from my post that IS possibly ok?
I never see boxers with WM on anymore. I wonder why 
lol no they don’t.
“exploitation of the economy” is the term which is used.
exactly what makes you believe that the op was describing multiboxing?
why would you attempt to discourage people reporting? 
if it’s a boxer, the report gets binned.
no big deal.
The primary methods for multiboxing are, in fact, against their policy and are actionable.
As I said the software that allowed multiboxing to be easier was banned. You can still click in each separately or even use a hardware multiplexer.
Blizzard has never supported multiboxing but it has always been (and still is) allowed, they just will never take it into consideration when making changes in policies like disallowing follow in BGs or banning software multiplexing software.
Time to get out those bingo boards and the kegs. Time once again for drunken bingo: Multiboxer edition. Remember, take your drink after each square is filled.
Just turn on WM dont ever see them.
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Mutliboxers can still use hardware.